Slippery Slope Much?

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30 Responses to Slippery Slope Much?

  1. Darin says:

    Checkout the comments under the video for a look at how bad it has gotten in a very short tome.

  2. Nemesis says:

    When I write about the long march through our institutions, I mean every institution. for a greater perspective on how medicine has become compromized to Marxist ideals, one need only listen to, or read what their respective country’s medical associations now preach.

    Big Pharma controls medicine – the same drug companies that manufactured Zyclon B, the poison gas in pellet form used for dealing with the ‘Jewish Question’ at all those concentration camps.

    • mawm says:

      Medicine has not been compromised by Marxism! Some Medical Associations have those that are activists and are the ones standing for elections, but there are many alternative representative bodies that have been formed as a result of their views. Even some of the major medical publications have been hijacked by these activist doctors and are no longer respected by the majority of their readers.
      Big Pharma does not control medicine. They might fund research that is favourable to their products but does not mean that the rank and file Dr prescribes their medicines. Accepting bribes from Pharma is criminal.

      • Nemesis says:

        Medicine has not been compromised by Marxism! Really mawm?

        You are so naive when it comes to how this world really works.

        • mawm says:

          Nemesis – 40+ years practising medicine, involvement in medical politics and 20 years of it in a socialist country and I’m naive. I wonder who really knows how the world works, or did “Q” tell you?

        • Nemesis says:

          mawm, look up what J.D. Rockefeller did to homeopathy medicine, which is what real doctors practised prior to governments legislating for Big Pharma, as they vilified the real medicinal healers.

          You may even wish to visit Dr. Dave Janda’s (orthopedic surgeon) site on youtube where he interviews the Naturopath Dr. Glidden, who is one of the few natural medicine practitioners who have been able to be certified as a practising physician by the American Medical Association, and who is achieving far greater results in the curing of many ailments than Big Pharma drugs are able to claim.

          Why has it not occurred to you, that after 40 plus years in the medical system, we are still grasping at a cure for cancer, when cancer can easily be dealt with via non-pharmaceutical means? Have you not wondered why those who claim to have a cure for all types of cancer, and there have been many, and many have been proven to be correct, are suddenly shut down?

          Would you not agree that the ‘battle against cancer’ is a multi-billion dollar industry? Would you also not agree that there are many who would rather make their living from the current ‘fight against cancer’ through the use of man made drugs within the Big Pharma controlled medical system, and that bring with it so many adverse and extreme side effects that many choose, like my own mother did, to opt out of the ‘treatment’ and take what comes, rather than admit to the cure that they have hidden from us for decades?

          Has it has not also occurred to you that man made drugs now predominate as ‘medicine’ when we have thousands of years of historical and natural medicinal healing (Egyptian,Greek, Roman,etc) available to us. Healing that actually targeted and remedied the source of the problem, and not just the symptoms, as todays drugs are designed to do?

          Did you view and listen to, what that nurse has stated?

          And if you can’t see how Marxism, as introduced through universities, now influence all fields of teaching, then I would suggest to you, that your observational skills need a little polishing.

          Your dig at ‘Q’ and what ‘Q’ actually represents says much about your own limited thinking.

          • Darin says:

            Nem, I really don’t like ad homien attacks on fellow CR members, our friend Mawm is the real deal and deserves more respect than that.

            For the record, my own opinion is yes big pharma does have a bit too much influence, however I also don’t give much credence to natural cures or homegrown holistic medicine.
            Can you make changes in your health by including certain foods in your diet over a long period of time? Yes, and we have some evidence of that to back it up. Will taking xyz vitamin cure cancer? No, not likely at all and there have been several studies that demonstrated zero benefit to increasing vitamin levels, except for the companies hawking their products.
            I also don’t buy the “we have the cure but big pharma won’t” claim. My counter to that has always been- rich people get sick and die too, how much do you think a cure if there was one would be worth? Guys like Steve Jobs would gladly pay a billion dollars to live another decade or two.

            • mawm says:

              All reviews of homeopathy, naturopathy have totally debunked them. Apart from “anecdotal” cures they have never been able to show that their “cures” work. Nemesis’ comment on Homeopathy and Big Pharma shows a lack of knowledge as to what Homeopathy is.

              The idea that cancer can just be cured by some magic bullet shows a lack of understanding as to the multiple types of cancer and their causes. In fact it also fails to take into account the successes that have been achieved in curing various types of cancer. After 40 years of following research into cancer and the methods to try to cure it I have a deep understanding as to the complexity of the various forms of cancer and the ingenuity of those working to cure it. Great strides have been made as knowledge of cellular, sub cellular and molecular mechanisms in the body have advanced. If only it was as simple as taking a carburettor to pieces to find the problem.

              All university institutions have their Marxist protagonists but to suggest that Marxism has been introduced into an already hideously full curriculum of all the medical stuff that is already being taught is puerile to say the least. About 50% of the US population believe in something that lies in the spectrum from social democracy to Marxism. This is probably true for the medical profession too.

              • Pascal says:

                Darin, I just retrieved this from trash. And I retrieved 3 of Neme’s between yesterday and today. That’s just this week.

                Let’s chat.

            • Nemesis says:

              Point taken Darin. I do remember mawm and the mostly antagonistic replies to my comments during my first spell on CR some years back – I note nothing has changed in his/her attitude toward what I put up that does not gel with his/her view of this world, and so, rather than tread around eggshells for certain folks sensitivities, I now make my exit from CR.

              Good luck to you all.

              • Darin says:

                No one is asking you to leave, just to consider the other guy might be right too. We don’t have to agree on every point, but we do need to respect each other.

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    It gets worse. They passed the Family Violence Act, and if you are a man, it is the doctor’s responsibility to pass on to the court whether you are violent. Also Family First has reported that when you take your child to the doctor, they make sure you haven’t smacked your child before they do anything.

    I rarely ever go to the doctor, if I’m sick I’ll stay home and try to get better.

    • Darin says:

      I go twice a year,mainly just so I can get the one prescription I take refilled. Every year the first visit invariably requires 14 pages of questions to be filled out. Last couple times I filled in all the unimportant stuff with ridiculous answers.
      Q: Do you ever feel angry or depressed?
      A: Yes,often times when filling out endless pages of bull shit. :mrgreen:

    • mawm says:

      You can’t blame the individual doctor when their registering body (ie the statutory body) mandates that they have to comply.

      • Darin says:

        I don’t, but I’m still gonna raise hell about it every chance I get, squeaking wheel gets the oil after all.

  4. paul scott says:

    I expect the Medical profession to steadily lose reputation over the next generation. Doctors loyalty is 1. Themselves 2. The Medical profession dogma 3. The business they own. 4. Public and social policy. The client, Client? oh yes, he pays our bills.
    I give Doctors extremely limited information. My own Doctor in Christchurch, I have never seen or heard of him giving an examination. Why don’t I change Doctors? Because they are mostly all deficient. If you drive a car, DO NOT tell Doctor of any medical problems especially eyesight.
    Now let’s say a dog bites you , and you ring the Doctor. You need Amoxicillin 2grams immediately. The Doctors receptionist says > We can fit you in next week.<
    You ring Paul Scott, he says Yes I bring home loads of Amoxicillin every year for these things. come around now. I do not bring home narcotics or mind-altering stuff, only routine medicine I am competent with. Alternative medicine is normal here in Thailand. We go down to the Chemist shop and buy our medicine. That is good and bad, For people like me who know what we are doing it's good, and good for people I know disadvantaged by an overworked failing medical system

    • Darin says:

      “Now let’s say a dog bites you , and you ring the Doctor. You need Amoxicillin 2grams immediately. The Doctors receptionist says > We can fit you in next week.”

      This- it’s one of the drivers of our high healthcare costs. Instead of giving the prescription for the $2 antibiotic now and worrying about the office visit later. They force you to take a gamble and risk getting worse, or go to the ER and pay through the nose.

      • paul scott says:

        That’s right. I mentioned the dog bite because it was a common possibility in the Vet clinics with nurses. Thi si dog bites nurse not nurse bites dog. Just the other; day a fellow on a New York blog ] Jason Goodman ] mentioned an infected finger. He had it lance teated at Medical practice with One only Amoxicillin tab which is contraindicated at once only dose, need 10 days .] They gave him an invoice for $US 4000 . That is the way he represented it, and I said I could have had him right for less than $10.

    • mawm says:

      Do you blame Drs for looking after themselves with the barrage of blame being heaped on them by the public, media, etc and the number of frivolous lawsuits brought against them? The Dr-patient relationship has been destroyed and instead has become a financial transaction. Doctors (GP’s) have give examining patients for two reasons – the time required vs the need to churn through enough patients to make a living, and the increasing number of accusations of “inappropriate” contact. I’m not quite sure what you mean about their professions dogma.

      • paul scott says:

        Mawm > The Veterinary profession and Medical establish an ” ethical” way of doing things. This will be usually only five or six years out of date and generally good practice. It prevents weirdo’s selling junk medicine and is valuable at that. However when you look at disciplinary cases you will find they are often for socially and professionally dogmatic reasons. The members of the disciplinary Councils are usually old and full of pompously politically correct dogma. To say that you need to churn through patients to make a living, an be corrected to ” make an extremely good living. You can not practise medicine at 50 patients a day, you are practising cash register medicine.

  5. Cadwallader says:

    Now that NZ has been sucked into the Anti-Money laundering scheme at the implicit behest of the UN every institution which handles our money must assess the sources of our money before proceeding. In other words we are all guilty of some unstated malfeasance on sight until we can establish our credentials as honest people. I find it deeply embarrassing and offensive to place clients of my firm in this position. I am not a trained detective or auditor yet I have the responsibilities of behaving as such. The UN really is an intrusive and evil power.

    • mawm says:

      That is so true, just as I found it offensive to promote anti smoking indoctrination and have to question all women about domestic violence.

  6. says:

    With the computerization of medicine the invasiveness has become worse. Virtually ALL medical records and treatment is computerized. And the people who write the programs health pros use to care for patients MANDATE insane levels of “compliance” in terms of asking invasive questions and documenting the reports. If the caregiver won’t ask and chart these questions that CANNOT DO THE REQUIRED CARE. Don’t jump through the hoop you can’t treat the patients and just as importantly you CAN’T BILL THE INSURER….and you don’t get paid. The system has FORCED caregivers to be complicit or go broke.

  7. Yokel says:

    Now, just imagine how much better life will be with single payer, State organised healthcare that is free at the point of use, said he somewhat sarcasticly. In the healthcare system that is allegedly the envy of the world, all electronic medical records are kept on hosted systems, that are plundered for details regularly by the central authority in order to generate statistics. Remote bureaucrats adjudicate on requests by Mr Plod for access to the records (eg did the subject have treatment for a knife wound?). Local authority Social Services (yes the initials are meaningful!) have access to much of the records these days, apparently for the purpose of providing better care to the children and elderly and disabled who live in their area. They are not medically trained, but probably politically aligned more to the Left. As far as I can tell however, Google’s Deep Mind mob have only managed to grab hold of medical records from a few hospitals, rather than from the central repository. So it could be worse; and may well be in a few years.

    Ever since the Service was created in 1948 by nationalising the previous provision, it has been flexing its muscle about what treatments will and will not be provided and to whom. In the early days if you argued with your doctor, or even had the temerity to ask for a second opinion, you could easily get “struck off” his list. In these days there was every chance that none of the other local doctors would take such a troublesome patient onto their list. The doctors to whom these patients would now be allocated are those who have been unable to build up a sufficient practice by themselves. Rumour has it that there are reasons; the doctors have unfortunate reputations to say the least.

    Things may have improved a bit recently, as politicians have discovered that one way to get elected is to promise to throw money at health care as fast as it can be printed. The choice between parties seems to be how fast they promise to install newer faster printing presses!

    • Nemesis says:

      I can relate to your reference regarding ‘Mr Plod’ when attempting to access a suspect felon’s medical condition at the local hospital – due to the ‘privacy’ concerns, and that many do not realize is total government bullshit due to the government now even knowing about the last time one took a dump – the night duty nurse had to leave the room while I accessed the computer to find out which ward the felon was hiding in and under what fake medical condition.

      In the end, determined and alert people can subvert Big Brother’s influence, in some cases, but overall, Big Brother has nearly complete control over all of our lives.