Cue the Teddy Bears and Balloons

Another terrorist attack in London-

Daily Mail-

At least the cops did kill the idiot, so there is that. Shame some families will now have funerals for the holidays, all because diversity :evil:

UPDATE: London attacker was convicted terrorist, recently released-



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9 Responses to Cue the Teddy Bears and Balloons

  1. Darin says:

    Okay, National Socialists again, but not a single “automatic” rifle present. All of them are pellet or airsoft guns and only the AK looks like it might be a real rifle, but still not “automatic” as in machine gun. The rest of it looks like something a 12 y/o boy would have in his closet.

  2. pb says:

    The lesson of the Groypers. Mass immigration has been enabled by an alliance between left and right. The left, representing diversity, open border marxism, free international worker theories, population replacement, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and (shudder) Jeremy Corbyn. The right, representing big business, global corporate loyalists, want cheap labour at the cost of a few funerals and terrorist attacks. John Major, Cameron and May continued the program of mass legal and illegal immigration. Wet and weak. Odds are Boris will continue the program, his testicles are firmly in the hand of the business interests, whose interests are not the peoples interests. England needs to STOP all immigration for 10 years, or reverse it.

    • Darin says:

      I’ve been saying the same thing here for the US, except a 20 year ban and deport anyone here illegally.

    • Is big business really “the Right” when they align with the left?

      • pb says:

        Gday Ed. No, they are part of the new totalitarianism. It’s a political alignment that hasn’t been fully realised yet. Traditional “right” wing parties are infected by traitors, yet “left” wing parties do not have the same problem. Double agents don’t seem to bother the left.

        I think it is a massive barely tapped potential political alignment. True right. Socially conservative. Focused on family. Focused on tradition. Focused on healthy values. No sodomites. No pornography. Reject big business, go local business for everything. No climate cult worship. In New Zealand, the National Party, has a solid conservative values statement, yet they don’t stand by it. It’s only lip service. A true conservative party would be a thing to reckon with. Time for a clean out.

  3. Darin says:

    This just gets more bizarre –

    Well I guess that rehab idea didn’t work so well, Maybe next time they should be rehabbed with a .308″?

  4. Darin says:

    Our friend Terry has a video up on the London Police chief –