Open House 11/30/19

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16 Responses to Open House 11/30/19

  1. Darin says:

    “US marriage rates dipping because of a shortage of financially stable men study says”-

    Uhmmm… no, more likely a shortage of mentally stable women and divorce laws that are biased against men. It’s a simple risk/reward calculation for most men. If you are financially stable, why risk that getting married?

    • mawm says:

      Rent, don’t buy. In fact sex is so freely available there is no need to get married for it and become the “purse” for women to raise their kids. Go fishing and hunting with other like-minded men.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Me thinks the gentleman is in deep do-do.

    And so he should be.

  3. paul scott says:

    my attempt to catalogue Remus writings was unable to retain all his links on the copy process so, I have started a new attempt, a short story but it will take me about a year >>

    In a certain village in the East Apalachians downhills which I can not name,. there lives a certain gentleman – one of those who always have their wits lance like for their use, and the ancient shield of integrity; a small house and an
    affinity with nature.
    He would bake his own bread, kept tins of preserves, brought in his own vegetables and now that winter was setting in, his hand-cut wood supply for the household furnace.
    There were those of us who thought we had seen him often, but on reflection not; just something we saw in a story and a wish.
    Some people said he was like a wise grandfather they had known, a man around the town who habitually wore strong braces and sturdy shoes . It was written in places that he was thin and wiry and even from a distance you could know that gluttony had never visited him.
    Our gentleman then, as I write now is in his eighties, knows more of life than I will ever know, had more courage at 40 years of age than me at seventy, and saw right
    will be a time if we can hold the West when he will be the legend that Davey Crockett and Daniel Boone were mine as a child. >> and so a little bit each week, mainly dawing on Remus writings

  4. paul scott says:

    I am cynical now of the support one can expect from Nationalists, Christians, and especially New Zealanders apathy toward an open threat of execution, lurid assassination threats relayed on the internet by a self-styled executioner madman. Most of all I am surprised that a blog site called ” No Minister” would lend it’s web site to this madman. The consequences will be real, and affect all of us.
    Notice of death threats against Right Wing blogger Paul Scott , unfortunately
    this is apparently too long to go here but is printed elsewhere

    • Alan Hancox says:

      No Minister blog is purportedly a right wing blog but is full of insane socialist/marxist pundits.

      • mawm says:

        I stopped visiting it years ago as one was not able to post dissenting moderate conservative views.

        • Darin says:

          Some of those mentioned by Paul have visted here before and ended up in the spam bin.

          Paul, try re-posting what you wrote in three parts. I think our word count per comment is set pretty low.

          • pb says:

            I’ve started to realise the most insane posters on effective right wing conservative sites are likely just crazy lefties pretending to be socially conservative. Like the setup at Charlottesville, but everywhere. Strange that the left doesn’t have the same fifth column amongst them. I remember once learning about how the Japanese learn not to listen to the people next door with their paper thin walls. You tend to just gloss over. No minister used to be alright, but they sold their soul. Probably Mammon.

  5. Pascal says:

    Swedish Schoolkids Taught To Defend Greta As Eco-Activist Becomes Part Of “Religious” Curriculum

    Please refer back to my three part series of 2014 warning about how belief in Sustainability was being surreptitiously snuck into all government as a form of religious test for eligibility for hiring or promotion. As an example, examine how the U.S. Military’s top brass publicly profess to viewing climate change as our greatest threat and you can see what damage has been wrought already.

    Hopefully you will find enough material at the links below (containing yet more evidentiary links) that when combined with recent developments will help you persuade all whom you deem reachable. Maybe they too will help open a few more eyes. Oh, and pray it is not too late.

    1. Fighting the Establishment of a State Religion in America and Our Need to Reclaim the Age of Reason from Scientism

    2.Knowing Neither Morals, Nor What is High Ground

    3.Those Forced to Pass a Religious Test Have Standing in Court

    The short of it:

      We have seen this inclination developing in America for many years now. Try and get hired or a promotion in government today (or government funded institution) without accepting as undeniable “climate change is humanity driven” in violation of our constitution. Dogmatic ultimate beliefs need not be God based to be classified as religions. One fails the religious test when one does not believe accordingly.

    Yes, I view this development as extremely important. It ties in so many behaviors (both promoted and practiced) that seem irrational unless one is prepared to accept that those at the top are now true believers in, and practitioners of, a ruthless and deadly cult.

  6. DaRK Knight says:

    @ Paul Scott.

    Don’t worry. We have you covered. The mad murderer from No Minister will not get close to you. There are others in the Police Service who have your back.

    You do not know us, you will not see us, but we are always there, watching and waiting.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    So, Kamala Harris has dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination for POTUS. All the pundits have pontificated on the reasons for her departure with the usual nitwits claiming “RACISM!” or “MISOGYNY!” or both. More rational comment has centred on her policy positions that emphasised her unfitness as a candidate. I have yet to hear anyone point to her willingness to sell her body for political favours as the likely fundamental flaw in her character that led to her downfall. I mean, can you imagine the bribes she would have been willing to hand out had her campaign been successful. It would have made Obama’s efforts pale into insignificance.

    • Darin says:

      Creepy uncle Joe today mentioned he would consider her as his running mate. So that has me wondering if they didn’t cut a deal already. That would be a pretty frightening combination, both of them are equally stupid and cringe worthy :shock:

  8. Darin says:

    And Trump is somehow the unhinged one?

    At a New Hampton, Iowa, town hall, a voter asked, “We all know Trump has been messing around in Ukraine over there holding there foreign aid for them to come up saying they are going to investigate you. We all know about that … But you, on the other hand, sent your son over there to get a job and work for a gas company that he had no experience with gas or nothing in order to get access for the president. So you are selling access to the president just like he was.”

    Biden said, “You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true. And no one has ever said that.”

    The voter added, “I see it on the TV.”

    Biden said, “You see it on the TV. No, I know you do. And by the way, I’m not sedentary. I get up … Let him go. Let him go. Look, the reason I’m running is because I’ve been around a long time, and I know more than most people know, and I can get things done. That’s why I’m running. You want to check my shape on let’s do push-ups together, let’s run, let’s do whatever you want to do number one. Number two no one has said my son did anything wrong, and I did not on any occasion—”