Today New Zealand is a bit more dangerous

50,000 legal firearms confiscated in New Zealand “buyback”


“Provisional figures indicate 33,000 people handed in 51,000 guns, and another 5,000 guns as part of a parallel amnesty in which owners could hand over any type of firearm without any questions being asked but without getting compensated.”

“Police Minister Stuart Nash told reporters Saturday that criminals would find it harder to get their hands on assault weapons because they tended to steal them from lawful owners, but those weapons would now be out of circulation.”

“Both Nash and Clement said the country was now safer than it had been before the March attacks.”

SAFER for criminals that is, the only thing the law has done is disarm law abiding people you absolute tools.

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3 Responses to Today New Zealand is a bit more dangerous

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Reminds me of a meme I saw last week. “When the government confiscates your guns, it’s because they are going to do something that will make you want to shoot them.”

  2. pb says:

    Disarm the people was always the goal. One of those socialist tropes. Yet many of those whom have handed in their guns, have then gone out with their crispy new money and bought more guns than they handed in, often spending more. Trouble with a half-arsed soviet aligned implementations in what is still largely a free country, is that people will outwit the stupid befuddled authorities whom can’t believe anyone would want to skirt the newly minted regulations. It’s the law? They worship law as their machine gun to implement social engineering. Socratic idiots.

  3. Brown says:

    That comment makes sense – which is unfortunate. I suspect that the not so closet Marxists that infect our government have other surprises planned for law abiding citizens they don’t like.
    I can’t get my head around the belief by liberals that a law banning something they don’t like will see those that are law breakers (like criminals) suddenly obey a new law when they have consistently ignored both laws and sound moral argument that should not require a law at all. Weird but then I guess liberals are wired differently to folks that know what human nature is like.