For the Lack of a Few Planes, or?

If I remember correctly, the last time Australia was dealing with a swarm of bush fires there was a shortage of water bomber aircraft then too.

Sydney Morning Herald-

From the article-

“”Converting the Hercules C130 for water-bombing would take considerable engineering and time to complete,” he said. “Taking the Hercules out of military service would also leave Australian troops on the battlefield without the support they need.”

That’s what they said the last time, no thought towards being better prepared for the next time?

I hope I’m not being too critical, as I am half a world away, but seems to me this is more a failure of priority and a lack of planning than it is a a lack of planes.

In the US we have more than a few C-130’s laying around that could be had reasonable and converted in time for the next fire.

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7 Responses to For the Lack of a Few Planes, or?

  1. simpleton1 says:

    Trust you do not mind, as I believe these links need to be spread far & wide.
    I have made a commentary that has gone elsewhere with them and now too tired to edit to customize, and maybe you have heard some parts of this.

    For Australia to take a leaf out of Captain Cook & Abel Tasman’s diaries, noticing and
    ….. learned that aboriginals lit fires at any time, for many reasons, and never tried to put them out. ….
    …… Today, we have replaced decentralized fire management by aboriginals and settlers with government-nurtured firestorms. ……
    …… Too often, the people in charge did not understand bushfire history and science and they were too influenced by Green ideology. …..

    By Viv Forbes pastoralists in Queensland and Northern Territory
    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    Climate Change alarmists are prepared to burn& terrorize the people for their cause of globalist taxes & control.
    The article gives great understanding and re-balances the old ” wise spiritualism” to match in with the early graziers experience.

    “There can be few if any races who for so long were able to practice the delights of incendiarism.”
    Geoffrey Blainey “Triumph of the Nomads – A History of Ancient Australia.” Macmillan 1975.
    The author has been vilified by the left, for his immigration views and so his many books and teachings have been shunned.

  2. simpleton1 says:

    Found the original good article, and needs to be understood, even here in NZ. as revisionist history greens want to bring their own tyrannic controls & taxes in so many areas of our lives.

    It would seem that these big firestorms are impossible to be really fought,
    It is the mismanagement over the years, following the “big government” & green agenda.

    …. The early squatters quickly learned about the dangers and benefits of fires, and like the aboriginals, they learned to manage fire to protect their assets, grasslands and grazing animals.
    The settlers had more to lose than the nomads.
    Graziers need to protect their herds and flocks, homesteads, hay stacks, yards, fences and neighbours, as well as maintaining their grasslands by killing woody weeds and encouraging new grass.
    So their fire management was more refined. …..

    ….. governments created fire hazards called National Parks, where fire sticks, matches, graziers and foresters were locked out and access roads were abandoned or padlocked.
    And Green-loving urbanites built houses right beside them, and planted trees in their yards.
    The open forests and grasslands were invaded by eucalypt regrowth, woody weeds, tangled undergrowth, dry grass, logs, dead leaves, twigs, bark and litter – all perfect fuel for a wildfire holocaust.
    These tinder-boxes of forest fuel became magnets for arsonists, and occasionally even disgruntled neighbours, or were lit by wind-blown embers or dry lightning. With high winds, high temperatures and heavy fuel loads some fires will race through the tree tops of oil-rich eucalypt forests. …..

    ….. Into this maelstrom they send the brave volunteer fireys.
    With insufficient tracks, insufficient nearby water, uncleared tracks, insufficient fuel reduction burning and bush right up to towns and houses, more disasters are guaranteed.

    Central management/control of burn-off policy and fire-fighting across entire states has failed
    completely. …..

    …. No aboriginals and few early settlers used water to fight fires.
    There were no water bombers, no fire trucks, and often not even hand-spray back packs.
    Graziers used back-burning from station tracks.
    Their wives defended the homestead with garden hoses, or tried to beat the flames to death with wet hessian bags and green branches.
    Aboriginals let the fire burn and tried to keep out of its path.
    Water is undoubtedly useful to protect homes and towns, to extinguish burning buildings, to stop grass fires and to stop the back burn from escaping in the wrong direction.
    But trying to extinguish raging bushfires and forest wild-fires with water alone is usually a waste of time, energy and water

    ….. Mainly we must relearn two ancient skills – remove the fuel load everywhere and use fire to fight fire.
    We know that works. [in a timely manner]

    Big fires need a lot of fuel. If you own the fuel, you own the fire. If you haven’t managed the fuel, you will not be able to manage the fire. And if your fire escapes and causes damage, you are responsible.

    Just 4 pages, of good background reading.

    The government owns the National Parks, and keep on burning up more money in their controlling ways, claiming it is all for our benefit, like stopping dams being made, and turning it into parks, demanding dams to spill water into rivers to go to the sea..

    Where does the insanity of these controlling tyrants stop as they demand costs & sacrifices of others?

    The governments of passing the buck, and not learning, as they do not want accountability, to know just what happened & why, and so do not accept responsibility.
    In the mean time is it not not time for another increase in salaries. :-(

  3. simpleton1 says:

    edit, apology as I did not correctly close of the italics for after the link.

    The big cover up, twisting and spinning, by the media about the fires in Gippsland as they censor & remove what was in the papers about a year back.
    The arrogant ABC should be called criminals for this, and also how they are twisting this to Climate Change.

    “The ABC reported on the incident but have since deleted their posts after it was shared on social media yesterday. Take a look at the A-grade twats in these photos. And how dodgy of the ABC to delete this story. Shame on them.”
    I did scroll down a little bit, and centred it, so more easier to read part the news and articles included.
    Also a little further scrolling shows some good cartoons, 🙂 and some other good thoughts.
    A video of a much earlier backburn, and in similiar spiel as regarding the burning out of the fuel build up in a timely manner.

  4. simpleton1 says:

    Further to those protesters at my comment did this in September 2019, just a few months ago.

    “Our crews ignited the burn near Mossiface and then had to call 000 to activate Victoria Police when, contrary to Authorised Officers’ advice members of the public entered the burn zone and refused to leave.

    When one reads that brief article, then those protesters would be lucky they should only be tarred and feathered and exiled out of town, because I doubt they accept they are responsible in any way, for a large part of fire damage in their area.
    These are the Greta & Green clueless supporters that helped to make one of these fires into a major conflagration, all in the name of their achieving and attaining their murderous Climate Emergency.

    However sadly I notice that when questioned,

    “Pity about the lack of balance”.

    to Laura Tingle, the ABC Chief Political Correspondence who then makes the reply

    “What, like, “on the other hand, it’s ONLY 4.6 million hectares of Australia that are burning”. A rare editorial engagement: go fuck yourself”

    She cannot deny political bias so she uses foul language. Tingle is a former Fairfax media employee who is now well & truly protected in the Sheltered Workshop – the taxpayer funded Billion$ ABC.
    Yeah, keeps on shoveling the Climate Change Emergency etc.
    What solutions does she suggest?
    There is such a large support base on her twitter base so do not scroll down.
    No accountability, and no responsibility while pushing to gain UN global control and place their galah mouths in the trough.

    Nothing is new into Victoria’s catastrophic bushfires of 1939…… Report of the Royal Commission to inquire into the causes of and measures taken to prevent the bush fires of January, 1939 and to protect life and property and the measures to be taken to prevent bush fires in Victoria and to protect life and property in the event of future bush fires
    I am sure their are many other similiar old bush burn reports and commissions.

    And finally all the best for the New Year in Australia, Wise up to what you already know, and make Australia great again.
    There is a lot of dead wood to be trimmed back in more ways than one.

  5. Pascal says:

    This from 2009:

      It wasn’t climate change which killed as many as 300 people in Victoria last weekend. It wasn’t arsonists. It was the unstoppable intensity of a bushfire, turbo-charged by huge quantities of ground fuel which had been allowed to accumulate over years of drought. It was the power of green ideology over government to oppose attempts to reduce fuel hazards before a megafire erupts, and which prevents landholders from clearing vegetation to protect themselves.

    What’s changed since then? Aussie Greens would have been hounded out from positions of influence were media not a major contributor to the problem.

    Speak loudly and clearly — as we now do amongst ourselves for practice if nothing else — because getting our view more widely considered provides the only real impetus for getting the sick situation altered so as to reduce death and destruction.

    Our being heard makes trouble for our deadly opponents — hence the tyrannical push to silence us.

  6. Pascal says:

    Simpleton, maybe has seen the latest.

    However we must never be distracted from noting the role of the climate change scammers. ClimateChangeScammers — due their forced rulings that prevent fuel reductions — are arsonist accomplices before the fact.