In a Nutshell


“The president tweeted the image the day House Democrats voted to impeach him, and hours after his raucous rally in Michigan that evening.

The tweet included no added comment because none was needed. The message is clear: I am all that stands between you and the barbarians at the gate. If I fall, you are next.”

Precisely so. 

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10 Responses to In a Nutshell

  1. The man needs to be supported by prayer and votes.

  2. Darin says:

    Nothing will help them-

    “Nation still deeply divided day after vote”

    “Yeah, I love that trick. The nation’s always “divided” when Dems don’t get what they want.

    I was forced to go to a Christmas party over the weekend and had to listen to some jackhole whine about how “divisive” Trump was and lament that we couldn’t “come together.”

    I unloaded on that nickelf*cker — “You want to talk divisive? I hated that dog-eating Kenyan crackhead every moment of the eight years he infested the White House. But you know what I didn’t do, a**hole? I didn’t riot in the streets. I didn’t scream “HE’S NOT MY PRESIDENT!” I didn’t gin up some phony, childish “Resistance.” I didn’t go into every damned restaurant and public space where Obama or any of his cabinet were and scream in their faces. And I sure as hell didn’t hijack the FBI to create a phony dossier to impeach him 49 hours after he was inaugurated!

    YOUR filthy party did all of that and more, right from the moment the polls closed and you knew that drunk, morally leprous hag of yours wasn’t going to win. So you can take that f*cking ‘divisive’ talk and your crocodile tears about unity and shove them up you’re a** until you sh*t blood for a week!”

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Interesting oped from Victor Davis Hansen.

    The part about the growing wrath of the average citizen should be a warning to the elite media but they are too dismissive of the common man to listen.