Don’t Mess With Texas

Texas Church Shooter stopped by good guy with a gun-


DFW.CBS Local reports that the alleged gunman entered the church, walked up toward the front, and opened fire just before 10 a.m.

A church member who serves on the church security shot the alleged gunman.


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8 Responses to Don’t Mess With Texas

  1. Pascal says:

    If something similar happens in New York, wanna bet that the defender spends more time in jail than any attacker who survives?

    • Like they say, better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6.

      • Pascal says:

        Of course you’re right in the old way of seeing things. Today not so sure there is safety in presuming that they let you get so far as to ever see a jury.

        Anyway, my point is that they’re releasing these arrestees without bail right after arraignment. They are surely intended to be used as bait when one — say a burglar — breaks in on the wrong person. Baited a gun owner into revealing himself.

        What are the odds they’ll release a defender found in possession of a gun the state says he can’t own? Zero given the press being in the pocket of the tyrants.

        Persecution has long been around, but never so openly played. Remember Scooter Libby being ruined over a technicality? Yet Richard Armitage was never held accountable even after he was found to be the source. General Flynn? His case is just awful even now with what a trumped up thing his persecution was is out in the open.

        No, the lesson being portrayed is similar to the old refrain of “you can’t fight city hall.” Only this time it is murderous. Participants must enter this with their eyes wide open; those who can’t bear to look should just hide in shame.

        • Darin says:

          Absolutely the defender would go to jail, or at the very least spend a lot of money and years on legal defense. It’s New York, where the Constitution doesn’t apply after all.

  2. And that’s why I carry in church and my friends carry in church. We had a sweetheart of a lady who unfortunately was a liberal who when she found out we were carrying demanded we stop or she would not be returning. I did not see her again until her funeral a few months ago.