Luckily it was a little one

I nearly died laughing when I saw the NYPD police smart car.

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10 Responses to Luckily it was a little one

  1. Darin says:

    New York’s wind turbine boondoggle-

  2. Old 1811 says:

    What did you expect? You don’t expect a wind turbine to hold up in the wind, do you?
    About 40 years ago, NYPD decided to save a ton of money by buying compact cars (I forget what they were) for patrol; since they wouldn’t (in theory, anyway) be used in pursuits, they didn’t have to have any speed or power. After two years of normal patrol driving (24/7/365) on NYC’s famously potholed streets, all the cars were so badly damaged they had to be replaced.
    Bureaucratic thinking at its finest.

    • Darin says:

      I seem to remember a few cities buying into a 80’s something Ford Fairmont with a 2.0liter four cylinder. Basically the Pinto motor, but with less get up and go. It was said flipping the lights and siren on in a “pursuit” would cost you 10mph :lol:

  3. Answers the question: “What could possibly go wrong?”.

  4. Darin says:

    This whole wind power nonsense we are seeing now is a continuation of the “greenpower” theft that started under Obama. The entire thing is corrupt and it’s just a way for certain politically connected companies to keep raiding public coffers. :evil:

    • It’s not just the subsidies, it’s in the utility rates as providers mandate that they themselves will invest a large percentage of their income (rates) in this zero return crap.

  5. Grog says:

    That’s not a car, that’s a large mailbox with blue paint.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Typical local government malfeasance.