Note to Iran: Trump IS NOT Obama

Another ones bites the dust-


Meanwhile democrats mourn the loss of their ally –


Trump’s response wasn’t delivering the Iranians a pallet load of money in the middle of the night lie Obama. And when our embassy was attacked it didn’t take 13 hours for help to arrive.


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7 Responses to Note to Iran: Trump IS NOT Obama

  1. Pix says:

    Don’t mess with President Trump!!! Love the way he handed this. Those Iranian mullahs heads will be exploding in frustration. HA HA HA HA

  2. mawm says:

    This achieved 4 things:
    1 Killed a regional aggressor and destabilising force in the ME.
    2 Showed up Obama and his mullah appeasement
    3 Further highlighted Hillary’s Benghazi disaster
    4 Showed the mullahs that America knows where they are and can delete them at will.

  3. Darin says:

    Breaking: Possibility of two more high value targets hit-