Open House 01/04/20

The Left [Sinister] gets more openly anti-America daily. Expect stories that fit that description to be found below this week.

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12 Responses to Open House 01/04/20

  1. Pascal says:

    First two comments at that link:

      sarasotosfan says:
      January 3, 2020 at 9:30 pm
      They won’t take out the Iranian militants but will take out the DOJ?


      Sharon says:
      January 3, 2020 at 9:45 pm
      The goofballs who are whining today about the death of a few terrorists are the same goofballs who were most displeased with the armed Christians in Texas saving a bunch of lives last Sunday and, in the process, killing the ONLY murderer in the house.

      “They won’t take out the Iranian militants but will take out the DOJ?”

      That’s right.

    • I listened to that closely, a couple times.
      I think the counsel was giving a hypothetical that he could not imagine happening. And I didn’t hear Pelosi talking.
      Not that I would ever defend her activity.
      I just don’t see her hand in this.

      • Pascal says:

        Ed, I think the issue was that it would even be considered at all. Someone must’ve asked a question that begged for that hypothetical. This is not the Democratic Party of earlier eras, at least that I know of and I’m working on my 8th decade.

        And, of course, there is that inclination of theirs as noted by Sharon in that second comment.

  2. What’s the “use by” date of Ghislaine Maxwell?

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    Might be interested in this. Now even Meat Loaf doesn’t believe in Climate Change:

  4. Darin says:

    One of the biggest problems we have in America is that stump dumb assholes like Colin Kaepernick get paid millions.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Flipping NY city from blue to red…no, really

    Greenies might have some use after all.

  6. pb says:

    Interesting. Would Trump kick the hornets nest only to pull out of Iraq, and the entire middle east. Like the Joker. Did you see the fearful reaction to the draft pullout letter from Iraq “leaked” today. The warmongers speckled through the state department don’t want that. If he manages to get troops out of Iraq, that will be a boss move. So many mis-directions its hard to keep up.