The Current US/Iran Dynamic By The Numbers

Who better to give detailed analysis on Iran than the people who’s very survival depends on it-

“Executive Summary: The targeting of Qassem Soleimani, commander
of the Quds Force and arguably the second most powerful man in Iran
after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is a major blow to the
Islamic Republic of Iran. His death will likely result in a devastating
chain of suspicion and insecurity in Iran’s nodes of power.
At first glance, one might think otherwise. The Islamic Republic and
its proxies in Iraq and Lebanon have been, in the past two months,
the target of massive demonstrations against the Iran-backed militias.
Iranian consulates have been burned in, of all places, the Shiite holy
cities of Najaf and Karbala in Iraq. Instead of “Yankee Go Home”, the
protesters chanted “Iran, bara, bara”—“Iran Go Home” in Arabic.”

A good, concise read and well worth the time if you want a no nonsense assessment IMO.

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3 Responses to The Current US/Iran Dynamic By The Numbers

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Thanks for this. It’s nice to read some objective analysis for a change.

  2. Brown says:

    A Kiwi guy does Youtube travelogues under the name of Indigo Traveler. His trip through Iran was interesting and it seems there is little love for the Muslim hardliners that form the dictatorship. The house of cards may yet fall over. He’s worth a look having done Nth Korea, Somalia, Venezuela (two weeks there) among others.