Open House 1/10/20

Knob Creek Machine gun shoot 2019……because we can Mini-gun at 2:10 Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp

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18 Responses to Open House 1/10/20

  1. Turkey vs the Kurds, right?

  2. I wonder who was aboard that airliner that Iran wanted dead.
    And was willing to cover the murder of one by murdering many.

    • Darin says:

      Hanlon’s Razor-“Never attribute to malice what can best be explained by stupidity”
      Probably an incompetent AA crew, the media has inflated the Iranian military to unbelievable stature, just like they did Saddam’s forces. Gotta remember, Iran and Iraq spent 8 years fighting to a stalemate. There is no evidence that Iran’s military is any more competent that Iraq’s was.

      On the other hand, could have been a favor to Moscow. Seeing as how it was a Ukrainian plane that was also shot down in Syria a couple years ago.

  3. Darin says:

    Remember that time Biden wanted to send $200million to Iran?

    40 solid years of bad ideas

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    John Kerry…”Not a hint of scandal in the Obama Administration”

    Yeah, right

  5. Michael in Nelson says:


    You might want to link to this. IF John Solomon is heading it, it should be good