Bat Soup Crazy


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11 Responses to Bat Soup Crazy

  1. Pixie Fraser-Jones says:

    They seem to be able to eat everything. I say this while I notice my face scrunched up in disgust at the mere thought of eating bats. These diseases are coming from china, not India which is also heavily populated. It is obvious the Chinese need to lift their game with regard to the illegal food markets and the quality of the food they eat.
    But lets kill all the cows to stop climate change eh. That’ll fix the problem.

    • Darin says:

      The question is how does one police 1.4 Billion people? The answer is you don’t, you just try to look like you do. China had some serious problems before this, namely what to do about Hong Kong and the impact of the tariff war with Trump. Now they also have this on their plate, things may get interesting before this is over.

  2. Grog says:

    Guess I’m a bigot for choosing what I will eat.

    As for the outbreak, here’s some info.

  3. mara says:

    I do not care greatly what different cultural types want to eat but I care greatly about the rank cruelty that comes with this awful trade. Watch a few videos about the suffering of various animals and ask yourselves if you want these people in your back yard. Btw, You are being advised to not go to China but they are still allowed to go to USA. Something is not right here.

    • Darin says:

      If those numbers are correct, by rough math 16% of those infected die, a number I am sure will increase as time goes on.