New Scalia Rising?

SCOTUS Judge Gorsuch is shaping up to be a powerful defender of the Constitution-

American Thinker-

“It might just be.  Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch, in a ruling about denying green cards to migrants who come here to be “public charges,” something that’s plainly laid out in U.S. law as illegal, threw in a special warning to activist judges, all leftists, who have been beavering away to rule from the bench, warning them that he’s tired of their shenanigans.  It’s a spectacle to behold — a big lion on the Supreme Court who not only cares about rule of law, but is now warning the leftists out there that he’s coming for them.”


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11 Responses to New Scalia Rising?

  1. mawm says:

    It’s a pity Chief Justice Roberts is supporting the Democommies by disallowing a perfectly legal question by Rand Paul over using Ciaramella’s name in it. The man is no friend of any conservatives. This makes one wonder what Brennan/Obama have on him other than some perceived dodgyness with the adoption of his kids.

    • Pascal says:

      That the destroyers of America had something on Roberts has been suspected ever since — as reported by associate justices — his dodgy switch from finding against Obamacare to inventing an excuse for sustaining it. We may never find out WHAT, but you named the likely POSs behind the blackmail. Once knuckled-under, always in their hip-pocket.

    • Yokel says:

      Maybe that is why he (and his decision to deny the Ryan question) is being displayed so prominently in broadcast coverage of the Senate hearing. So that in due course there will be public understanding of the reasons for his removal from office.

  2. Robertv says:

    Be careful the leftists could feel offended.

    Other thing is how leftists can vote Sanders. White, Rich, Male, Patriarchal, Big CO2 footprint. No real Democrat would vote for him ? He is not even a she or single mother.

    • Darin says:

      Yes, but you must remember, in today’s democrat party all that matters is he is a socialist communist.

      • Yokel says:

        And they only need to vote once. After the Socialists/Communists are in power there won’t be a need for any further votes. How can you improve on a perfect government??