Uh Oh!

Trump’s approval among Black voters hits 42% with 32% “who Strongly Approve 

Rasmussen – Trump approval with black voters jumps to 42%…

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13 Responses to Uh Oh!

  1. Pascal says:

    It would be a wonderful consequence that some of those blacks are ones in the know of the details of voter fraud in their precincts. Exposing the Dem fraudsters and getting a few jailed would go a long way to saving us from the Agendists short of kinetic means.

    Imagine if you will Detroit turning Red, followed instantly by Michigan. Rinse and repeat in IL and elsewhere. Maybe only a dream, but one well worth pursuing.

    • Darin says:

      Indeed it is worth pursuing, for more than a few decades the GOP has surrendered dem wards and precincts as unwinnable. That was a huge mistake and one that needs to be corrected. Trump got the ball rolling by first pointing out the failings of the dems in those precincts, then he followed up by making promises and keeping them.

  2. pb says:

    Pretty sure African Americans voted strongly Democrat, like 90%+. If those approvals turn into votes, that’s ~20 million people swing. Perhaps we will never see the Democrats elected ever again. That’s amazin. https://youtu.be/y-4sw94NIUs

    • Darin says:

      I don’t think we will see any positive change in the dem party until the old guard is dead and buried. That whole generation of radicals that seized control of the party in 68′ and steered it hard left. The Hillarys, Bernies and their ilk. Thankfully father time is catching up with them.

      • Pascal says:

        That period of time coincides with the NeoMalthusian drive. They saw doom in human population growth and have sought to slow and reverse it. But even then, who’d have dreamt they’d ever gain the power to force sterilizations by claiming it was a minor’s right — as if they’d attained age of consent.

        Due to that, it surely must be that the general public can finally see the footprints of the death cult — who have run in parallel with the globalists — and want their presence eradicated.

        Or one would hope self-preservation is still a basic fact of life no matter how much brain-washing the bastards try to stew us in.

        • pb says:

          I’d never heard of that Malthusian character, but he seems like all the ideologues: psychotic.

          Margaret Sanger with her sweet words advocated for the extermination of the African American. Greenies too are happy when people die in general, as people are their problem. Think Attenborough. NAACP and Civil Rights Movement were co-opted and worked hard to convince African American’s they were victims and to tear down the US. The race-baiting is ongoing, but less effective.

          If this vote swing is sustained and African Americans (and so-called “oppressed” in the west) turn their back on victimhood, this will be an amazing point in history. The earthquake is coming like a tooth rattling freight train.

          This is all because they lost control of the narrative. The flood of information channels befuddled the gatekeepers. Little sites, even like this one, telling the truth. The stone slammed between between the eyes of Goliath, and he is still stumbling around befuddled.

          • Pascal says:

            Malthus was probably not an ideologue, but his 1798 book, An Essay on the Principle of Population, was quickly adopted by a segment* of the population that viewed the common man as worth less than dirt. At the end of his life, having witnessed the advances in food abundance made possible by human ingenuity, as a true man of science he declaimed his own theory. But that did not dissuade the ideologues, they just went about supporting death centered ideologies such a Marxism but usually in soft voices leaving the nastiness to radicals they helped fund.

            Fast forward. After about 15 years after the end of the Axis powers (who were killing machines seeking to rid the world of races other than their own) the belief in culling humanity decided it needed a new moral center. Hence Neo-Malthusianism, with Paul Ehrlich being the man to whom the press gave most attention. But the Club of Rome was filled with men who kept a lower profile if not a higher view of the value of human life. And it is such men who still may be found in the courts of the globalists. It is these whom are dismayed that we don’t love them and their “foresight” and simply go quietly.

            Do what you can to expose the deadly aim of the ideologues. Be assured in knowing that basically human life is no different from other forms of life — individuals wish to survive and will see to it that they will when provided enough light and not permit themselves to be stripped of self defense.

            • Darin says:

              One of the best tactics to combat them is by exposing the fallacies they promote with hard numbers. Hans Rosling makes the argument that global population will peak at 11 billion or less.


              • Pascal says:

                Thanks Darin. Now please explain why he’s using a spear to point at his graph rather than laser pointer or other less dramatic instrument. It made me laugh to see it. Did he explain elsewhere why?

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    If the numbers are correct, the Democrats are headed to where they belong…on the ash heap of history (i.e. they are f!#ked)

    • Darin says:

      I hope so, and from what the polls are saying, the public has begun shifting away from leftist ideology. A recent poll showed that 75% of the public wants tighter restrictions on abortion and 60% want it banned in all cases except rape, incest and the life of the mother. That is a huge swing from just 10 years ago.