Another reason the Pope is an Idiot

Pope Francis said he believes the Chinese coronavirus pandemic is “certainly nature’s response” to humanity’s failure to address the “partial catastrophes” wrought by human-induced climate change.

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5 Responses to Another reason the Pope is an Idiot

  1. Ya know, this clown was elected by a group of his peers.
    Therefore, they are all a bunch of idiots.
    It’s the spirit of anti-christ.

  2. Robertv says:

    What’s a Pope ?

  3. MikeH. says:

    “What’s a Pope?” Just another socialist stooge fucktard pushing the socialist agenda on a world overflowing with indoctrinated Gen Z morons too lazy to think for themselves.

    Yeah, I could be wrong here but; I believe the coronavirus is “certainly nature’s response to humanity’s” over population of the planet and failure to maintain certain safety measures such as border enforcement and disease screening of new arrivals / returning residents. I honestly do not think humans were ever intended to live in such highly populated conditions where, for example, a virus can pop up in Wuhan, China then go full on global in a matter of weeks. Realistically, the virus should never have spread beyond Wuhan.

    That’s just my opinion, and like I already said, I could be wrong.

  4. K2 says:

    Unfortunately in Central and South America, Catholicism has been in an unholy relationship with Marxism since the 1950s and Castro. The offspring of this relationship is “liberation theology” which the Argentine Pope espouses in one form or another. Compare and contrast:

  5. pb says:

    Borgoglio is a stooge, groomed into his current role, in order that he might destroy the church. He aligned with Marxist guerilla movement in Argentina fighting against the Peron government. Francis is Che Guevara’s Pope. Francis was kicked out of the homosexual friendly Jesuit order for 20 years for being a crank. And there are no statues of adoration for this man in Buenos Aries, why not? He is a radical pope, revolutionary, a weapon to destroy tradition. He is anti-intellectual and seeks to appease the modernists by surrendering to them. Instead of following St Peter and the Hermeneutic of Continuity, his is the Hermeneutic of Discontinuity.