Some Interesting Reading

Wonder how many more there are?

“In August 2018, Zheng entered the United States on a J-1 visa and conducted cancer-cell research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston from Sept. 4, 2018, to Dec. 9, 2019. It is alleged that on Dec. 9, 2019, Zheng stole 21 vials of biological research and attempted to smuggle them out of the United States aboard a flight destined for China.  Federal officers at Logan Airport discovered the vials hidden in a sock inside one of Zheng’s bags, and not properly packaged.  It is alleged that initially, Zheng lied to officers about the contents of his luggage, but later admitted he had stolen the vials from a lab at Beth Israel.  Zheng stated that he intended to bring the vials to China to use them to conduct research in his own laboratory and publish the results under his own name.”

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7 Responses to Some Interesting Reading

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    in a word…lots

    • Darin says:

      This was either blinding incompetence or willful maliciousness, I’m leaning towards the latter.

      • Or both. The incompetence led to an internal disaster that they did not want to bear alone.
        Never let a crisis go to waste.
        Damage America with minimal attribution of intent.

      • Brown says:

        Trojan horse comes to mind. This may be the legacy of brainwashing under communism – loyalty only to the CCP with every other relationship being a facade to be played for advantage. Such are not your friends. It may show how backward the Chinese really are – for all its money the centralised command structure that stifles freedom effectively stifles innovation as well so they have to steal it.

        • Darin says:

          I think they decided to let the virus run, thinking that they would recover first and put them in a better global position.
          The mis-calculation on their part is now people are rejecting anything made in China and there is talk of severely restricting imports in the US and demanding payment in hard currency for anything they buy from us. China needs to be reminded that they only produce 8% of their food supply.