Open House 4/17/20

Governor “Batsh*t crazy” Whitner : “Abortion life sustaining”

That witch is nutty as a fruitcake and twice as dumb

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23 Responses to Open House 4/17/20

  1. There is the picture of her wearing the “Planned Parenthood Makes America Great Again” hat.
    I think she just went lame duck.
    Depends on whether the MI Repubs put up another non-inspiring RINO.

    • Pascal says:

      SKUNCs are far too prevalent even this deep into the deadly Prog attempted takedown of our Republic. I am disgusted with lame Republicans who just refuse to see that the Dems became more radical because SKUNCs always aim to kill off real conservatives. The stupid party must refer to you and me. Now it may be too late to declare open season on them.

    • paul scott says:

      Ed, you would think Michigan is now an absolute necessity to take back. The adverse publicity that mad woman has given herself is worldwide.

      • If Biden picks her, he loses Michigan, and thus the election.
        Pick away, Joe.

      • Pascal says:

        One would think so Paul. But deTocqueville laid down the formula that allows the puppeteers who pull that dolt’s strings to install another one who may only appear to be less autocratic. “The despot cares not that you love him provided you don’t love one another.”[emphasis added]

        Forever, even before my long life, what Ed still calls RINOs but I call SKUNCs have divided the GOP’s “conserve our status” class (once called country-club republicans) from its principled conservatives with their control of the purse strings. Add to that the fact that it is against the nature of the principled conservative to rebel against any status quo. What is needed is a faith rebellion. Moral principles (such as love of liberty) are constantly being overcome by practical considerations, which is another thing which is basic conservative inclination. So the natural conservative rebellion is constantly held back by the Progs who dominate the country-club side of the party. A party divided against itself cannot stand!

        A conservative party needs to rebel and run against both the Dem and GOP candidates in the recall or there is no hope anywhere. I once lived in Michigan. It’s a state that has loads of conservatives. But the auto industry execs (country clubbers all) dominated the GOP.

        If it is not too late — and it may be due to vote tampering — Ed’s fear of a SKUNC candidate being the only choice to defeat Whitless in a recall could be overcome. But it will take a true anti-Prog rebellion (conservatives need to keep faith with their moral principles this time), one that is assured it has no Prog in conservative clothing as its candidate.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    If you don’t have a crisis to take advantage of, make one up

    • Darin says:

      I thought back when the shutdowns were first floated as an idea that we would probably end up with the same number of deaths either way, just those deaths would be spread out over a longer period.

      Now I know I was wrong, we will have more deaths with the shutdowns. Few , and nobody in the media, are factoring in the suicides. Whether it’s people losing it mentally from the isolation and stress of the situation , or people who were just recovering from the last decade of hardship in the economy , only to be hit by it again.

    • Hospitals across the country are on the margins, financially.
      Not being able to admit non-Covid patients leaves them, in many cases, with no patients, or not enough to pay the bills.

      So if, and I say if, hospitals in major urban centers are overwhelmed, why aren’t those Covid patients farmed out to hospitals closing?

      The USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) has what? 19 patients?

      This has been a test of the emergency take your rights away, impose a National Health Care system.
      This has only been a test.

      Had this been a real emergency, you wouldn’t wonder why you can’t buy paint, go out on your boat, visit your home up north (or come back from it) or when you can go back to work and provide for your family.

  3. Political Chic says:

    Trump is a business man not a politician therefore: Donald J. Trump who some of you may think of him as a jerk, or whatever. BUT I think of him as being MY President, and anything BUT a Jerk..
    He’s a New Yorker. He may be crude at times, and can even be rude at times. He gets his feelings hurt and he can become a hot head. And then he hits back harder. And perhaps he should Tweet a bit less.
    But let me tell you what else he is.
    He is a guy that demands perfect performance.
    He is a guy that asks lots of questions.
    The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy “political” phrases; they are “why the hell…” questions.
    For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?”
    He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week when it would have taken a bureaucrat weeks or months to get it done.
    He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals built in three days.
    He’s the guy that gets auto industries to restructure to build ventilators in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.
    He’s the guy that asks “why aren’t we using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what the hell do we have to lose?”
    He’s the guy that restricted travel from China when the Democrats and liberal media were screaming “xenophobia” and “racist.” Now they’re wanting to know why didn’t he react sooner?
    He’s the guy that campaigned on securing the border – protecting America – in the face of screaming Democrats and the liberal media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the coronavirus virus, they screamed louder. Then the rest of the world followed suit, including the European Union with travel between their member countries.
    Has he made mistakes? Yes.
    Everyone I know has and does.
    The “experts” wouldn’t and haven’t done any better.
    Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work. Twenty-four hour days. He isn’t hiding in his office; he’s out front – Briefing – every day.
    When he offers hope, he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, he should be hopeful. It’s a no win situation, but he’ll not be deterred.
    I’ll take this kind of leadership six days a week and twice on Sunday over a “polished, nice guy” politician who reads prepared speeches from a teleprompter and answers pre-scripted questions.
    He is my President

  4. Darin says:

    New Jersey Obergruppenfuhrer Phil Murphy has the shock troops out crushing dissent as soon as it pops up I see-

    This doesn’t surprise me, NJ has been a police state for decades already.

  5. Pascal says:

    Just to let you all know. I’ve been limping along with a hard-drive on the verge of failure since early April, and didn’t get that diagnosed as the problem until a couple of days ago.

    I have a new SSD on order, but with delays I’ll be lucky to see it on the day it’s scheduled to arrive, over a week from today. Then I have to pray I’ve not screwed things up worse by trying to fix the OS most of this time so I can affect a migration of the OS and my data.

    So expect me to be scarce even more than I’ve been. Interesting times — the ancient curse made real today by the descendants of its author.

    • Darin says:

      I feel your pain, as much as I like working with computers, I hate working on them I will say my upgrade to a new machine and Windoze 10 was pretty painless, just the usual half a day turning stuff off.

      • Pascal says:

        Please review this Wuflu news aggregator source daily. It will provide invaluable counter-news to the corporate media’s narrative, something I haven’t been able to do.

        Here’s two of a out 20 from today alone.

        Stanford professor of medicine John Ioannidis explains in a new one-hour interview the results of several new studies on Covid19. According to Professor Ioannidis, the lethality of Covid19 is „in the range of seasonal flu“. For people under 65 years of age, the mortality risk even in the global „hotspots“ is comparable to the daily car ride to work, while for healthy people under 65 years of age, the mortality risk is „completely negligible“. Only in New York City was the mortality risk for persons under 65 years of age comparable to a long-distance truck driver.


        Rubicon: 120 expert opinions on Corona. Worldwide, high-ranking scientists, doctors, lawyers and other experts criticize the handling of the corona virus. (German, Google translator has worked for me well in the past.)

        Enterring what you see here using my cell has been awful. Some Crusader please take the baton in my absence.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    So NZ’s beneficent Prime Minister has announced the country will move to level 3 on Tuesday the 28th of April. Never mind there have been less than 1100 confirmed cases and barely 1% of those died, the serfs are not allowed free until she says so.

    • mawm says:

      I go for a bike ride every couple of days. I have noticed that the number of cars on the road have been steadily increasing…..a lot. I guess people vote with their feet – some will go to the office, some will visit family and some will just not give a f**k anymore. As for me – if someone was selling compost I’d go out and buy it. The garden beds have been cleared and are ready for composting and planting, and tomorrow’s ride won’t be the 30k circuit close to home but the 60k training ride I usually do.

      • Darin says:

        60K :shock: Jerry Clower used to say that people who ride bike or jog should have to pay more taxes. Since they’re going to live longer and use up more world than the rest of us :lol:

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          Sorry Darin, I put in over 6 km on my treadmill yesterday and I’m over 70. (Trying to get ready for when they allow us to go fishing in the rivers, tyranny sucks).

        • mawm says:

          60k is not far….even for someone just shy of 70! I’ve just come back from a fully loaded, 1000k bike-packing trip on some of the roughest gravel and steepest passes in the South Island. That’s what I train for.