Beware the “New Normal”

Cherie Zaslawsky knocks it out of the park!

Canada Free Press-

“Will these outrages, oppression, and governmental tyranny become the “new normal” in America? As Patrick Henry once proclaimed, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!”

Can we come through this nightmare and take our country back? I believe we can.

But I also believe that the longer the lockdowns and shutdowns are allowed to continue, the harder it will be to ever return to the America we know and love. I’m concerned that many people will be psychologically imprinted with this “new normal,” in which they have essentially become passive wards of the state.

Patriots need to recognize how high the stakes are and to act accordingly.

And President Trump needs to fight the real war—the one that is on the verge of taking down America for good!”

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4 Responses to Beware the “New Normal”

  1. Pascal says:

    I agree. But it may be easier for an old fart like me to say it since I have less prospective years ahead of me than a younger man. But does that younger man wish to live a bit longer but in chains?

    The velvet portion of the coup of America is over. See the conquerors displaying their fangs.

    • Darin says:

      The younger generations are starting to wake up, now that the new smell from college has worn off and they are shocked to find out the degree they went into debt for is all but worthless.
      I’ve been surprised at the number of 20 somethings that were sucked in by the left, but are now being red pilled. There may still be hope.

    • My governess is clearly violating the state Constitution.
      She doesn’t care and her lezzy AG is backing her.
      William Barr wrote a letter that suggests he wants a Michigan Federal prosecutor to step in.