Open House 5/2/20

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36 Responses to Open House 5/2/20

  1. mawm says:

    “The Availability Cascade”

    From Commiepedia – An availability cascade is a self-reinforcing cycle that explains the development of certain kinds of collective beliefs. A novel idea or insight, usually one that seems to explain a complex process in a simple or straightforward manner, gains rapid currency in the popular discourse by its very simplicity and by its apparent insightfulness. Its rising popularity triggers a chain reaction within the social network: individuals adopt the new insight because other people within the network have adopted it, and on its face it seems plausible.

    Two professors have written an article in the JPost about this and Wuflu and the harm it is doing. Having seen the public response to this I wouldn’t be surprised if we have a similar hysterical event over “Climate Change” and that this is a trial balloon.

    Read here:-

  2. mawm says:

    Tucker Carlson on the FBI and Gen Flynn. This is quite chilling. Give it a listen.

    • mawm says:

      Wattsupwiththat is a great site. I have followed it for years.

      This prolongation of the QT interval is a red herring. Neither HCQ nor chloroquine have ever been on any lists of the commonest drugs that increase the QT interval. The major ones that do are some antiarrythmics, some antipsychotics, methadone and some antibiotics. Even the OTC ondansetron (Zofran) is on the list. There are many drugs that have been implicated in prolongation of QT intervals or of complications thereof and nobody is going overboard about them.

      Some people have a prolonged QT interval anyway, often undiagnosed, which is implicated in sudden cardiac death (not related to drugs). These are the people who need to avoid any implicated drug.

    • Victor says:

      I don’t watch too much television so I don’t know what this clip is from – some show from 2003 – the link is going around and got to me… it is stuff like this that makes me feel we are being played

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    With the financial stress on most hospitals, I came to realise that their financial success is dependant on occupancy rate just like a motel…sad.

    • mawm says:

      In the majority of hospitals this is dependent on revenue earning surgical procedures with subsequent short term hospitalisation such as total joint replacements, laparoscopic surgery etc. Looking after in-patients is staff intensive and staff costs are their biggest expense. Busy theatres and expensive equipment and consumables are where their greatest profit lies. Idle theatres cost money! Hospitals make deals with surgeons with cheap rent, etc. to attract them to their institute. They barely tolerate physicians as they do not bring in the same kind of income and I often think the only reason that any physicians get an office in an hospital is because the surgeons need them to look after their patients if they develop any complications.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Thanks mawm, I knew if anyone had the background on this, you would.

  4. I went tot he store yesterday.
    They had lot’s of TP, little bread and little rice.
    I don’t think that’s a product of hoarding,
    That’s a product of our government driving people into poverty.

  5. Pascal says:

    Hundreds of Missouri residents who ‘snitched’ on lockdown rule-breakers fear retaliation after details are leaked online

    Wait, there’s more!
    The names released here were due to Missouri’s sunshine law. But elsewhere, like L.A. and NYC, where rewards were offered to snitches, this demonstrates the names of the informers would clearly be ripe targets for hackers.

    This throws a monkey wrench in the works of easily turning the USA into a fascist version of the Soviet Union. The USSR kept its subjects terrified (and thus controlled) that any local soviet (committee) member would inform authorities of any appearance of non-conformity.

    Except for the voice of Hugo Weaving, “V is for Vendetta” was IMHO a lame excuse for a movie. Still, as there, in this instance the high-handed perps have set themselves up to undermine this particular method.

  6. Pascal says:

    For some reason FB is permitting this to be shown and shared on FB. I had to track it down with DuckDuckGo to find a copy I could post here. What’s up with that?

    Anyway, this video that runs contrary to the narrative — to the extend it implicates Fauci with corruption and outright crimes — is available.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    The saddest part about this is that I am not surprised a member of the MSM set up a fake news event. Says a lot about the state of traditional sources of journalism these days.

  8. Victor says:

    Police in Manchester, England, are engaging in a social media campaign, requesting local residents to call police if any of their friends and family are engaging in “conspiracy theories.”

  9. mawm says:

    Some more on the useless Dr Ferguson at WUWT.

    An experienced software engineer has written a devastating review of Imperial College’s epidemiological model. Due to bugs in the system even putting in the same data results in different results. In other words nothing is replicable! What is interesting is that Microsoft has had a team there for a month trying to fix it. No wonder he has not wanted to release the code! Also Mr Vaccine/the-world-is-overpopulated Gates is there. He’s been funding the College to the tune of 100’s of billions (along with funding the weasel Dr Fauxi).

    Something stinks!

    • Darin says:

      “Conclusions. All papers based on this code should be retracted immediately. Imperial’s modelling efforts should be reset with a new team that isn’t under Professor Ferguson, and which has a commitment to replicable results with published code from day one.

      On a personal level, I’d go further and suggest that all academic epidemiology be defunded. This sort of work is best done by the insurance sector. Insurers employ modellers and data scientists, but also employ managers whose job is to decide whether a model is accurate enough for real world usage and professional software engineers to ensure model software is properly tested, understandable and so on. Academic efforts don’t have these people, and the results speak for themselves.”
