The Cuckdown

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2 Responses to The Cuckdown

  1. Pascal says:

    Imagine were there a capital crime for shouting “VIRUS” in a galloping economy.

    Immediately after we regain order, it is highly likely the patriots take one last page out of the Left’s formula of ignoring the constitution. Pass the law above as a bill of attainder.

    • Darin says:

      The media having zero accountability must end. I can’t think of another group with less accountability than the media, except possibly congress. At least with congress we can vote the bastards out.

      As for the economy, the media and the congress just need to leave well enough alone. I don’t agree with everything Ayn Rand proposed, but one thing she was right about is the need for the government to be totally divorced from the economy. They should have zero influence beyond basic rule of law IMO.