Open House 5/9/20

Marek Ruzyk-

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34 Responses to Open House 5/9/20

  1. I just left my favorite Diner where I went for breakfast and sat around and talked with a number of friends for a while.
    I was ordering pickup like others before me who just decided to sit down. The owner is a patriot.
    An immigrant American who knows communism first hand.
    I hope we don’t have to do a gofundme for him.

  2. Victor says:

    I need Help…

    From some one waaay smarter than me.

    Three nights ago I went outside to look at the super moon at 4:15am – looking up from El Paso, Texas.
    After a few minutes of just standing there looking up at the moon I notice a red glow rising up from the top of the full moon – it looked like flame rising up from the moon then it turns into a bright red glowing sphere behind the moon – it is only part of a sphere as it is hidden behind the moon. It lingers for a little while then fades out then it starts up again with the rising flames and then the big red glow comes into focus.
    I have gone out to look up at the moon last night and the night before and the same thing – I would go out at different times – last night as soon as I looked up the glow was there – I didn’t have to wait for it. – I thought it was an optical illusion so I tried to get a different perspective of the moon to see what would happen so I walked under a large tree in the yard and looked up at the moon through the branches and the leaves and damn it… the glow came in very clear – it looked like a small sun (the size of the moon) behind it – no fading in and out I could see it clearly!
    So I run inside and grab my camera but the glow of the moon was too bright to get an image of the red glow… camera is a NIKON coolpix s4000.
    So my question is – for some one smarter than me that knows astronomy – maybe, Pascal, can tell me what the heck am I seeing – an optical illusion, space gases, something in the atmosphere that is causing this… last night after coming back in I tried to find answers online for a couple of hours but got nothing – I did find a site where someone else was asking the same question – but no answer… what is that red glow behind the moon – it looks like an eclipse of some sort.

    • Pascal says:

      I have no idea what that is Victor. But your peaking from behind the branches of the tree reminds me of how people with cataracts once had to insert cardboard with pin-holes in their glasses. Glare was suppressed enough for them to see because the narrow opening reduced the scattering caused by the cataracts.

      If you have a macro lens with its small opening is a good start. But what I’m suggesting might work with any lens even telephoto.

      Cut a disk to fit your lens out of cardboard or better oak-tag that file folders are made. Drill a clean hole thru it, the smaller the better to start so that you can enlarge it until you’re satisfied. Mount it on the opening of the lens. That set up may permit you to capture your image quite well. I dunno if it will work; I’m just brain-storming here.

      • Victor says:

        Thanks Pascal – I am going to try that trick on my camera tonight, I don’t know how full the moon will be but I hope to catch an image of this glow – since I posted this I have been searching again online for an image that resembles what I see – but nothing.
        I hope others here will look up wherever they are and tell me if they see the same thing – some one suggested to me through email (I posted this on my site as well) that it was an illusion caused by my eyes going out of focus for staring too long, but the problem with that is – 1. when I first looked up last night and I could clearly see it with out waiting for it to fade in and 2. when I looked up at the moon through an opening in the leaves on the tree – that eliminated a lot of the glow from the moon and I could clearly see the the red glow – it actually looks pretty awesome… I don’t know if its part of the super moon event or what and I can’t believe I can’t find an image… I can’t believe I am the only one that sees this cause it’s actually pretty cool to look at.

    • They always told me that that would happen to me, because of all the drugs years ago, but happily no,

    • mawm says:

      Refraction of light on the red end of the spectrum by an interface between two layers of air at different temperatures. Similar to the thermocline that submarines use to hide from sonar.

      • Victor says:

        Well that makes sense mawm… but I was hoping for something a little bit more spectacular. I took a closer look at the video I shot of it last night and you can make out the red glow but it is very faint behind the brightness of the moon.


  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Just because I like playing with numbers and facts actually mean something, I decided to check the risk of COVID 19 here in NZ.

    The official numbers as if this morning:

    Total population estimated to be over 4,90o ooo as of 31 December 2019
    Number of confirmed cases 1144
    Number of deaths 21

    Risk of contracting the disease = 0.023%
    Risk of dying if you catch the disease 1.8%
    Therefore, the current risk of dying of the disease is 0.0005%

    If you add in the possible cases (350) the difference is negligible.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Before someone points it out, I am aware the risk is higher for certain demographics but they are a minority so the risk for most of the population is even lower.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:
    • Darin says:

      Anything is possible with that bunch of hacks, last week they were telling us we need to be afraid of the “Asian Murder Hornet” next, :roll:

      • Pascal says:

        Media Standards have so declined that what we once called them is now outrageously unfair to whores.

        • Darin says:

          I never did put whores in the same class as the media, because at least whores are honest about what they do.

  5. Darin says:

    “Doctors need an effective CDC. They don’t need to be told to sit on the sidelines during an epidemic. Their businesses shouldn’t fail because of antiquated and detrimental recommendations. The entirety of government shouldn’t be asked to rescue us because this one agency didn’t exercise good judgment, politicians saw it as a means to expand their power, and the media used the fear to sell airtime.”

  6. Darin says:

    Long, but worthwhile read-

    “I also urge you to have copies available to take with you to the hospital if, God forbid, you become infected. Keep in mind that the consortium strongly recommends that the administration of the hydroxychloroquine, Methylprednisolone, or whatever corticosteroid should promptly begin in the emergency room and continue throughout hospitalization. As noted by the consortium, there is resistance to using its anti-inflammatory strategy, and, for that reason, you must be ready to be your own best patient advocate.

    So, as we used to say in the Boy Scouts, “Be prepared” by having printed copies of the consortium’s documents readily available. The life you save may be your own.”

  7. Pb says:

    This works if you are trying to quit artificial sugar drinks and save money. Senomyx. Rumoured to be cultured from aborted human tissue. Don’t know if true but I haven’t spent a cent on artificial sugar drinks for a year since I heard rumour. Keto theorised that artificial sugar tricks your metabolism into insulin overload, as effectively as sugar, and prevents weight loss.

    • Darin says:

      I’ve always had trouble with Aspartame, it makes me hungry, so I never did knowingly consume anything that had it, besides it tastes weird.

      Stevia extract is my sweetener of choice these days, no noticeable after taste according to brand name.

      • Pb says:

        Truvia looks like sorbitol. Good ole firework ingredient or base engine for a sugar rocket.

        I did the fasting keto diet thing and ended up consuming gallons of artificial drink as an escape. It definitely tasted industrial yes. And then I started seeing a lot of references to how artificial sugars keep the blood sugar response level high, jacked up insulin and doesn’t let the body get into fat burning mode. As far as the body and weight loss is concerned you may as well eat sugar. But don’t! Quit both. [“The Obesity Code” Fung]

    • mawm says:

      Have you ever seen a thin person taking artificial sweeteners?

  8. Pascal says:

    However, there is this:

    Judge Stewart has allowed for the state to pursue the case in an open hearing if they decide to go forward. No word yet on if that will happen.

    Whitless wants to be Biden’s VeeP choice, so I think I can see an arrest coming and a showdown if they try. Most likely at 3 AM with swat team and snipers.

    The best thing that could happen for Manke and Michigan is for others to open too. Once there are too many to arrest Michigander freedom is a fait accompli. This is America. You have a leader there in Michigan. Now follow his lead. Dammit.

    • Darin says:

      They hate the fact that none of these state orders carry any weight now that it can reasonably be demonstrated that the state of emergency is past. We have a thing called “free licence” in this country that allows us to take whatever risks we deem appropriate.
      And the thing is, this really is pretty simple. The vast majority of Americans, if given accurate information about the risks, are perfectly capable of making their own decisions based on the level of risk they are willing to accept.

  9. Darin says:

    Sidney Powell takes Obama to the woodshed-