Barking Mad

The Police taking part in this need to be named and shamed, they are no better than Nazi collaborators IMO.

And a lock down extending through 2021? Will it take Ardern that long to learn Mandarin?


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16 Responses to Barking Mad

  1. Pascal says:

    The Escalation of the Whole Western World into a Police State Proceeds Apace. Adern is gonna try suppress this video just as she’s put a gag order on all her ministers.

  2. Grog says:

    Ardern won’t have to learn mandarin, she will have a translator provided for her-that will also be a guard to keep her on point with the agenda.

  3. Pb says:

    NZ about to discover the consequences of submitting to big Red Jacinda. Supporting a big debt socialist tyranny and staying silent whilst police drag your neighbour to the gulags has to have consequences. The economic headlines in our compliant media are barely suppressing an economic catastrophe.

    Surrender your freedom for a little safety, you get neither. And deserve neither.

    • Darin says:

      Amazing that no actual crimes were being committed while the cops had nothing better to do than harass law abiding citizens.

  4. MikeH. says:

    The sheep need to grow fangs and learn to use them.

  5. Fred Horn says:

    Why didn’t those people standing around clobber the crap out of those cops?

  6. Robertv says:

    How many New Zealanders died fighting in World War 2.
    So where did they die for ?

    • Darin says:

      Amazing how quickly what they died for all just slips away.

    • mawm says:

      Next up from our socialist “Dear Leader”?

      – Massive increase in taxes for the “rich pricks”, a wealth tax, a Capital Gains tax, death duties, donations tax – all to pay for the Wuhan flu, you know…

      – Free money for the idle (can’t find work because Wuhan flu, you know)..

      • Pascal says:

        This formula for forcing “socialism” world-wide is awfully obvious. Maybe a third are dunces who think it’s such a great idea that their type even in the death camps of last century remained convinced that dear leader didn’t know how loyal they were to his vision. As for the vast majority in the throes of watching the gates to the corral all being shut and sealed, they still can’t get their heads around how well organized by a tiny minority is this thrust. Will they insist on remaining in denial, perhaps before it is too late due their weakened state (from lost income and gradually food)?

        Heaven help us mawn.

        • mawm says:

          They were so close to conquering the US when along came the orange boor to throw a spanner in the works. Eight years of Hillary and the UN forces would have been in the US fighting the forces of good. What amazes me is how quickly they switch tactics when they meet an obstacle like this, and just how many fellow travellers there are in so many diverse positions, eg Fergusson and Fauxi. It’s frightening.

      • mawm says:

        The Nazification of NZ continues. Auckland has severe water restrictions put in place, and this is only stage 1. Our dams are at 46% (May is historically the nadir in measured dam levels) and they are still haggling about pumping water out of the Waikato River, which must dump millions of cubic meters a day into the ocean, and we must save water. No outside watering, etc – while the council can continue to water its sports fields because they have soil and rain sensors.

        • Darin says:

          I said years ago that we would have better outcomes to our problems if we posted the possible solutions on a dart board and trained a blind Chimp to throw darts at it.

          Sadly with each passing year I am proven right.

          • Pascal says:

            This is why I’ve told people who insist on adhering to Hanlon’s razor that they should switch to Heinlein’s — it’s sharper. Even Google will supply the distinction, but some people simply don’t want to know their dullards.

            Speaking of razors, they shouldn’t be needed but they sure do conjure sanguinary visions.