Open House 5/28/20

Since there have been a few Chicom trolls sniffing around …

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10 Responses to Open House 5/28/20

  1. Darin says:

    Trump baited Twitter and they fell for it-

    The big action appears to be that Trump will sign an executive order. The best guess is that it will target the social media giants’ current immunity from libel and defamation suits because they’re viewed as bulletin boards, not publishers. However, when they actively manipulate content — especially the most political content of all, which is statements from the President of the United States — they’ve put themselves in an editorial position and should be held liable.

    • Darin says:

      Pandemic theater

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Darin, what angers me the most is how the fear mongers have sold their garbage to so many young people. I know people with postgraduate degrees in science terrified of coming within 6 feet of anyone else. This in a country where there hasn’t been a new confirmed case in almost 2 weeks and there is only one known active case. If I try to talk about it, they refuse to accept that their risk is vanishingly small. GRRR!

        • Darin says:

          Yes, it’s amazing what this virus can supposedly do. Apparently it can nearly kill on contact, will leave the toilet seat up in the bathroom and hide the TV remote if we aren’t careful. We’ve become a world full of trembling hypochondriacs over nothing.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    It’s not just fingerprints

    Is this used where you are?