Telling the truth is an alien concept to the left

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11 Responses to Telling the truth is an alien concept to the left

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    I was at a meeting last night and the pre-meeting conversation turned to the National Party leadership mess. One comment was that Judith Collins was the only candidate that had the balls to stand up to the Labour coalition. There was general agreement which shows most people know National is no longer a useful opposition party.

    • Darin says:

      It seems to me that in NZ the war is just the same as it is in the US. Conservatives of any stripe to win election must go to war with the media.

  2. Alan says:

    Politically New Zealand is a lost cause. The major parties are left or pseudo left, the smaller parties barely make a noise apart from the Winston party who under the MMP system have bargaining power that determines who governs despite their small vote share.

    • Darin says:

      And I get the impression that any conservative party that does pop up and start gaining ground, is quickly co-opted by conservatives in name only candidates much like the Tea Party in the US?

  3. pb says:

    Solid points shone through even if it was a hit piece. University and Media are living in fantasy land. People want to return to order from the nihilism. NC should fall back to strong family value messages and they will win big. Family, Faith and Reason. Don’t spin and pander to media values. They are scum and hate the West.

    The paid-off university experts have no idea. Their bubble needs popping. Sir Roger advocated for the complete defunding of Universities, and I agree. The university is infected and is poisoning the rest of society:

    Many are looking for order, and it can be found in practical virtue [Plato]. Many, myself included want to escape the chaos and despair of modernity. Degenerate modern’s are a study of contradictions: “lovers of truth, and oppressed with errors, furnished with reason and slaves of desire, admirers of virtue and immersed in vice, desiring of happiness and overwhelmed with miseries.” [Vico, born 1668] wrote that everything we need to know is written in human history. He was talking Greek, Roman history. Professor Jennifer thinks 30 years is a long time ago, but we need to look back, arm ourselves with our history, or we will get stuck in pagan endless loops of despair. The left have gone mad and are pushing (and being pushed) to return to a bestial communist existence.

    • Darin says:

      The universities haven’t had to compete for students in decades. They have been running solely on prestige leftover from the previous era. They are also awash in federal and state taxpayer grants even though many, like Harvard, have massive cash reserves($40 billion in the case of Harvard).
      We need to defund them, take away their taxpayer cash pillow and make them earn their keep once again.The school districts that refuse to re-open in the fall need to refund the taxpayers for the services they aren’t providing as well.

  4. Yokel says:

    This sounds dry, but with a proper statistical analysis of the NZ Govt’s own reported figures, Andrew Mather proves that the NZ Govt lied. OK we knew that, but here he gives them no wriggle room!

  5. jon says:

    Yeah , lack of toughness , maybe , to me more of a lack of defining what they want to do.
    I have the idea of a skeletal state. One where the state enforces basic freedoms.
    Freedom 1 .
    The protection of free speech , with the qualifier that the speaker must be able to prove that they believed it true at the time of utterance.
    … that’s as far as I have got so far

    • Pb says:

      That’ll do. Also 2. no poofters. [monty python] 3. make Bank Interest illegal. 4. All politics to be conducted in Latin

      • Darin says:

        5. make bribery and perjury capitol offences
        6. the only forms of taxation should be tariff and excise.