Jeff Sessions loses primary…

..and it’s by a landslide.

Former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville won Alabama’s Senate runoff Tuesday, beating former senator and Attorney General Jeff Sessions 63% to 37%, The New York Times reported.

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9 Responses to Jeff Sessions loses primary…

  1. Alan says:

    Sessions betrayed Trump and proved to be a lame duck AG. He is well into his seventies and did not deserve a chance at redemption.

    • Darin says:

      I don’t think he was really a good pick for the job, see my reply to Col Bunny below.

  2. I think it’s true he betrayed Trump. Something other than an instantaneous cave was in order.

    That said, I can’t see how Trump has shown any fight either. He was passive about the coup d’etat mounted against him and seemed more interested in a Twitter war with Rosie O’Donnell and making inane, semi-literate tweets on inconsequential stuff.

    Gen. Flynn and Trump’s other allies were instantly isolated, ruined, and skewered and Trump did bugger all. The Sec. of Defense openly opposed him without consequences. He keeps the US mired in the Syrian cluster hump because his Israeli masters want us to carry their water for them.

    It remains to be seen whether Barr will be any different. He covered up the Epstein death and from what I can see is intent on running out the clock on prosecutions of Comey, Hillary, and co. The evidence for that is his failure to go after the dirt bags who lied to the FISA court or were instrumental in unmasking them for patently false reasons. There’s no reason to set up an omnibus mega prosecution. This is a discrete set of transgressions and proceeding now would NOT “tip anyone’s hand” as to prosecution strategy.

    Sessions was an earlier supporter of Trump and, whatever his failings, Trump’s treatment of him seemed mean-spirited. I have to admit I think Sessions is a decent sort with no meanness in him. Somehow he should have been treated in a less shabby fashion.

    • Darin says:

      I’ve known and worked for several people with Trump’s personality. Loyalty is paramount to them and friendship leaves the equation quickly on a feeling of betrayal.
      That Sessions is too nice, was his biggest flaw, he was after all AG and had the immediate authority to dispose of Mueller’s circus before it ever got started. He could have also cleaned house of all the Clinton and Obama hold overs, but he didn’t. He wouldn’t have needed to be mean to get the job done, just blunt and direct. I think his biggest problem was the same one as a lot of good people that go to DC- The DC culture. They might be enemies when the cameras are rolling, but they attend the same functions, eat at the same restaurants and play golf at the same country clubs.
      The other Trump personality trait is , when they hire someone to to a job, they expect the job to get done, not dither on and waffle, until finally passing the buck off to the next guy. I believe Sessions is a good man, with good intentions, but the job he was hired to do required more of Pitt bull and not a preacher IMO.

      • You’re right about Sessions’s basic decency. Trump may value loyalty and getting the job done as you say but when all is said and done he’s a mile wide and an inch deep. The question is loyalty to what? I don’t think Trump really knows.

        Two fundamental responsibilities of any government are (1) to secure the country from foreign invasion and (2) to ensure that the citizen is safe in his person and his property. Trump understand neither point. He mouthed off about borders and has absolutely no passion on the matter of Antifa filth and their rule by bicycle lock. After Charlottesville he made the astonishing statement that both sides are “good people.” I can think of a lot of ways to describe Antifa animals but “good people” isn’t one of them.

        Trump is weak and irresolute. He may value getting the job done but inquiring minds want to know “What job?” Your basic five-paragraph field order has a section for “mission” but damned if I know what this man wants to accomplish.

        He’s fundamentally wrong when he touts the “stock market” as an indicator of economic health but it’s precisely the opposite. ZIRP has destroyed savers, made saving a sucker’s game, and forced people into risk-on investments to try to stay ahead of inflation when they (old people especially) should be emphasizing security and looking for stable, regular income. The result of this (and massive deficits and monetary stupidity) is a massive bubble. This is what Trump celebrates.

        And this is in an area that he should have some insight though “business” isn’t exactly the same thing as “the economy.”

        Trump’s been fantastic in calling out the Chinese and their manipulations and theft but that’s it. Everywhere else it’s been tweets ad astra but little else.

        Who will answer the call when he hears an uncertain trumpet?

        Trump’s it, bottom line. God help us.

          • Darin says:

            The question is, what does Trump have to work with?
            On immigration, I can’t think of a single republican on any level of power that is against unfettered immigration. ALL including Sessions are in favor of what their corporate cheap labor pool donors want.
            Don’t fall for the numbers game on deportations either. Obama deported as many as he did, because he gave them incentive to come flooding north in the first place. Trump has been fighting an uphill battle since jump, not against the democrats, which is a given, but against the Gop never Trumper wing of the party. It was they after all that surrendered control of the House in order to make the hill a little steeper.
            The same story repeats on almost any issue and there is no savior waiting to ride to our rescue. We are in this mess, because too many of us have been waiting for someone else to come along and save us.
            I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop since the beginning of this year. I believe China is that other shoe and we, as in the whole world, are headed into uncharted territory. All bets are off, no one knows where this is headed and I have the feeling all of our problems we have now, will pale in comparison to what is coming next.

            • It’s true that no Republicans have Trump’s back on immigration. (The linked article indicates that Sessions was good/not bad on immigration. I gather he was not idle during his time as AG whatever his misjudgments were.)

              The willingness to seek out and embrace anything that meant depressed wages at home or products made by modern serfs in China is amazing. The interests of the nation and its people didn’t even register on the radar of the globalists.

              I still maintain Trump did not fight against immigration. He indicated his desire for more LEGAL immigration and he caved on DACA and, I think, the “path to citizenship” nonsense. I’ve said all along to anyone who’ll listen that it’s one thing for Trump to have to deal with a full-court press against him but he simply does appear to have had the executive ability to tell Homeland Security to get with it while he fought his own battle. He has acted like he’s the only one who works in the White House and that the federal agencies and departments were moved out of his reach.

              Too, he went out of his way to couch his authority to do anything on the border as stemming exclusively from certain emergency legislation previously enacted. In point of fact, Art. IV, Sect. 4 of the Constitution gives him the plenary authority to repel invasion but Trump would rather have set his hair on fire than utter the “I” word. True story. :-)

              I am not a student of the immigration stats but I read somewhere that his supposed high “deportation” numbers INCLUDED would-be invaders who were stopped AT the border and turned away. It’s just a bit much to swallow that Obongo was some kind of a bad ass on deportation when he was otherwise all gangbusters for DACA and that there.

              Expecting some deus ex machina to save us is human enough. I’ll quibble yet more by saying that there’s also a realization on the part of people who read, say, Gates of Vienna and its reports of the electoral fortunes of patriot, salvationist parties and candidates that Western electorates sleep the sleep of the dead. Plenty of brilliant and eloquent people have weighed in on the immigration and Islamic threats over the last 15 years but the voters WILL NOT reward those parties and candidates unless it’s with 2-4% upward boosts that soon evaporate. Prosperity and the welfare state HAVE engendered a dependence on the state and I’ve seen not a few great bloggers just throw in the towel. Dr. Sanity being one, Maid of Albion another.

              I read a comment recently that argued that modern Western man no longer has any sense of the danger of chaos and the ever-present danger that it will upset the apple cart. We’re just too comfortable and have lost all wariness or skepticism.

              China is indeed a possible serious threat but even they have their problems. I rather think that our astronomical economic mismanagement will be what screws the pooch. Four days with no or limited truck deliveries to most American urban areas (and it’s permanent) is a fearsome prospect. And far more likely. The US is, simply stated, a failed state that worships foreigners, minorities, lunatic feminists, professional athletes, and moronic TV fare. As the Herb Stein observed, what cannot continue will stop. Here we are.

  3. Alan says:

    Jeanine Pirro is a pit bull. She had the background and smarts to handle that job.