Ardern, spends money, accomplishes nothing, wins in “Landslide”

Not being a Kiwi and not following the news in NZ very closely, here is what I have gathered on Ardern’s “performance”

She cried.

She cried and wore a headscarf.

She spent massive amounts of public money.

She lectured to and patronized the public in NZ.

Did I miss anything?

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24 Responses to Ardern, spends money, accomplishes nothing, wins in “Landslide”

  1. Brown says:

    Not being a Kiwi makes you fortunate. The covid bull shit probably saved the left as everyone threw their brain away, became terrified and needed a cuddle. NZ will be a divided and highly taxed mess without free speech in no time. I’m too old to move so have little option but to hunker down which I can do. All pretty depressing really – people electing the hard left in such numbers shows most have no knowledge of history and / or short memories. Serves the opposition right though – they are troughing soft cocks as well who got rid of their talent after losing thge last election because the kids wanted to be in charge.

    • Darin says:

      What makes things really sticky for us, is that the so called “conservative” parties are no better. I mean what’s the real difference between socialist and socialist-lite?
      With the exception of a few leaders, Trump, Orban and a few others, the rest are all lockstep with the globalist agenda.

    • mawm says:

      Surprise, surprise! Ardern hid the resurgence of Covid in Auckland. An Auckland port worker was diagnosed with covid on Friday – the day before our elections! This is community acquired. Close contacts have been isolated, but no news about casual contacts yet. What she going to do this time? Shut down the engine room of the NZ economy again?

  2. Alan says:

    NZ is a rotting socialist utopia, has been for a long time. Tax and spend is the mantra. My late father had socialist leanings but I saw through it early. There isn’t the violence shown by the American left, but down the road it will come.

    • Darin says:

      Socialism left unchecked always ends in mass graves. History couldn’t be more clear on this.

  3. mawm says:

    This is the future! An electoral majority through third world immigration and an indoctrinated youth, cradle to the grave welfare, equality of outcome not equality of opportunity, tax and spend, wokeness, etc – all part of the soft revolution on the road to becoming Cuba of the South Pacific. My daughter, who is my only child, moved to Queensland 7 years ago and is doing very well. I guess we’ll be following as soon as my wife stops working. In the meantime we will endeavour to protect our assets and get them offshore.

    At least Winston Peters, who is responsible for the start of this mess, has been relegated to the graveyard of self-serving politicians.

    • Darin says:

      It’s really coming down to the best place to live, is the place that devours assets the slowest.

      • mawm says:

        This is the most salient comment. The assets of the retirees and those close to it are repeatedly stripped by the government through taxes such as capital gains tax, wealth tax, death duties, etc. and yet we are too dumb to see that this is being done.

        • Darin says:

          And it’s not just retirees. EVERY tax increase hits the working class and small business in the neck as well.

  4. pb says:

    Sadly, Kiwi’s are going to have to suffer the reality of Socialism before they reject it. Most people and businesses are now addicted to government handouts, everyone is a dole bludger. The heavy handed fear-spells allowed the media rubbish to take root – climate change, Christchurch shooting, covid. Too many spells too quickly.

    • Johno says:

      A bloody shame. I once had dreams of emigrating to NZ, no more.

      • MN Steel says:

        At least they’re still well-armed.


        • Darin says:

          I would be worried about the Chicoms invading, but the commies in Wellington seem to have taken the capital already

          • mawm says:

            They have invaded already – they have bought a significant amount of property in Auckland and farms throughout NZ, the shopping precinct near me is now mostly patronised by Chinese, and the number of Chinese businesses – all supported by the Chinese in preference to NZ owned ones, is rapidly growing. Since the gutting of our airforce by Helen Clark I’ve been saying that the Chinese navy could sail into the Hauraki Gulf, which is the gateway to Auckland Harbour and where our very limited navy is berthed, and go ka-pow, ka-pow you now belong to us. This does two things – strangles the New Zealand economy and gives the Chinese a base to launch an attack on the east and south coasts of Australia ie Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, which are the most populous and economically active parts of Australia.

            • Darin says:

              I haven’t looked lately, but is that ridiculous nuclear propulsion/armament ban still in effect?
              *IF* Ardern had any sense/ wasn’t owned by the Chinese, she would be wise to entertain the only significant Navy in the Pacific. Not just from the security standpoint, but also a weekend liberty rotation from a Carrier battle group is worth about $25 million for weekend, just sayin

              • mawm says:

                The New Zealanders wear their anti nuclear stance with pride. I suspect that it is because of this little socialist paradise’s anti American feelings. When one is an island nation one needs to ensure that one is on good terms with the power that keeps the sea routes open.

  5. Tans says:

    Jeepers, the right got reamed. Satuaration media for Ardern back from March, where she locked everyone else out and became dictator supremo, with the nation in lockdown, twice. Has to be the most unfair and media biased election in our electoral history. Labour advertising everywhere, day after day, as early voting was totally encouraged. On the good side, I see her quitting later this year, she don’t really want it no more, me thinks. Hope so, the UN are welcome to this clueless bint.

  6. Johno says:

    Darin, off topic and a day old, but worthwhile. In the Leftie F**ks Around: Finds Out! dept., this story in XYZ highlights multiculturalism in a bloodily graphic way, also has an embedded link to a Daily Stormer article on it.

    • Darin says:

      Things western media censors. I had seen the “random attack some people did” but didn’t pay much attention to it. We currently have bigger problems than the muzbots, namely China.
      No fan of the Daily Stormer, the neos are just a different flavor of socialist IMO.

      • Johno says:

        The Daily Stormer is new to me, I mentioned it because the link is rather buried in the XYZ piece. At first I thought that pic of the decapitated head in the bloody street was a fake! The mainstream fake news won’t stray from the narrative of inclusiveness. Good luck to stringing up Biden and all his cronies for all they’ve done to the US.

  7. Comrade Jacinda:

    Sorry if that’s old hat to you.