Coded Message

Greeted yesterday morning by quite an awakener.

Health care worker dies after second dose of COVID vaccine, investigations underway

Here, with a little emphasis added, is what suggests a coded message may be present.

“We are not blaming any pharmaceutical company,” said Rochelle Zook, a resident of Orange. “My husband loved what he did. He worked in hospitals for 36 1/2 years. He believed in vaccines. I’m sure he would take that vaccine again, and he’d want the public to take it.

“But when someone gets symptoms 2 1/2 hours after a vaccine, that’s a reaction. What else could have happened? We would like the public to know what happened to Tim, so he didn’t die in vain. Severe reactions are rare. In reality, COVID is a much more deadly force than reactions from the potential vaccine itself.

“The message is, be safe, take the vaccine — but the officials need to do more research. We need to know the cause. The vaccines need to be as safe as possible. Every life matters.”

Any person who has developed a deep sense of skepticism is apt to have spotted the actual message was buried in the middle of paragraph 2. We would like the public to know what happened to Tim, so he didn’t die in vain. The encoding was likely added just so this portion might appear along with the sad news. Whatever it takes to get it published.

Any who do not wish to consider this are free to go back to sleep.

Cross posted at Liberty’s Torch.
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2 Responses to Coded Message

  1. Darin says:

    And FueaxChi said yesterday that he hoped we would start vaccinating children come summer. Why? They are the one group that have little if anything to fear from Covid.

    Something definitely stinks here.

    • MikeH. says:

      “Something definitely stinks here.”

      Yeah, an anal swab… with or without four masks.