Open House 1/30/21

It’s January 30th, 2021 and Joe Biden is still an illegitimate president.

And Trump still has the establishment sh*tting themselves, otherwise, why the unconstitutional show trials?

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15 Responses to Open House 1/30/21

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Sort of like finding the votes needed to elect him in the first place.

    (From a link on American Thinker)

    • Pb says:

      Fake. Pushed by Establishment.

      Can’t bring sown the devil with his own tricks

      • mawm says:

        Nah! Buy the real stuff , not the paper silver. There’s just not enough silver to cover the notes.

        I’ve got my gold and now waiting for the knock on effect. It’s already gone from 1200 to 1800 (over the last 4 years or so) and will go higher.

        • Pb says:

          U and me both, I agree. Honestly won gold is all calluses and backache. I actually have a claim and will work it today. I’ve nothing against gold as a store of hard work. Nothing like hard work to chase the short sellers in their silly suits away. Get physical flakes or bullion. It takes very little room.

          Using Wall Street tricks to trick Wall Street, is a dangerous rigged game. What’d the devil say? Kiss my shorts and all this will be yours. Serve me in hell.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Looks like Biden isn’t the only on in his administration having memory issues.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    It just struck me…It’s interesting Psaki isn’t trying to blame the Trump administration for things like this.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Sometimes I think the Biden administration goes out of its way to pick the worst possible candidate for a position.