Collected Evidence On the Coup

Ace pieces together a long string of tweets, interspersed with his own commentary, on all that we may have seen and sometimes have forgotten. Highly recommended.

I’d normally add a few good excerpts here, but I’ll leave for all of you to tell us what bits you find most infuriating.

Here alone is Ace’s closing line — words that many writers and readers here have already stated — which indicates he’s finally catching up:

    “It’s time to start talking seriously about the crisis of illegitimacy in the former America republic, and what exactly the subjects of the Ruling Class — not the citizens, we’re not that, we’re subjects, and we will pretend no longer — will do about it.”
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15 Responses to Collected Evidence On the Coup

  1. MikeH. says:

    Blah, blah, blah. Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, everybody knows the system’s rigged. Everybody knows that the boat is sinking but nobody’s got the balls to call foul and get up an army of workers to refloat the damn thing.

    Sorry. Woke up on the wrong side of communism… again.

    • Darin says:

      There is still a core group of people in this country who are willing to do the work. The problem is, we have no leadership and the media/elites/leftist cabal has seen to it that any leader who does pop up will be destroyed.

    • Pascal says:

      Yours, Mike, in one of many reasons to be disgusted with the status quo. Another is that MartyrMade’s twitter stream needed to be preserved because Twitter is known to disappear it at will. And that’s not half as bad as innumerable Jan 6 protestors who’ve been disappeared as if this were the third world.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    I think that for most, it was the collusion of the press. Corruption in politics is pretty much a given but the press was supposed to be the one we could count on to expose the rot and they, for whatever reasons, betrayed that trust. It’s like finding the person you love the most and who has said they would stand by you no matter what, has betrayed you and sneers at you for trusting them in the first place.

    • Pascal says:

      Yes. Corporations bought up all outlets, and other corps pay to keep the content they like on stage. Add that China provided the startup cash for Silicon Valley, that explains FB, Twitter, Google et al.

      So are we merely lucky we can still communicate even here? Or is it more likely this stays available because it is viewed as the best way to keep track of the uncooperative? IDGAD.

  3. mawm says:

    For those who don’t/haven’t listen(ed) to Tucker Carlson reading the Twitter thread by Daryl Cooper aka @MartyMade on ” Why Trump Supporters Are Pissed Off And Don’t Trust Anything” it is available at Zero Hedge. It’s worth a read. As Michael in Nelson says it was the betrayal by the press above all else.

      • Darin says:

        The reasons given in that thread apply to Trump converts. Moderates and independents that saw what Trump was doing and got on board.
        The rest of us have been awake long enough to know all these things already existed just under the surface. Speaking for myself, I don’t support Trump because of him representing something different to what I know.
        I support Trump, because the establishment, the elitists, the corporate media represnt the nexus of evil in the modern world and must be driven from power and onto the ash heap of history.

  4. Ace says:

    The WEF and other elite maneuvering and lying and flight from reason are hard to fight when you don’t have their megaphone.

    However, the iron laws of arithmetic operate every second of every day and the terrible mismanagement of the economy, spending, debt, pensions, the currency and the border have lit a fuse that cannot be extinguished. Inflation and the insane lockdowns will also contribute to a gigantic loss of legitimacy that more stimulus and more propaganda cannot forestall or reverse.

    Complete loss of legitimacy is a certainty. The course of humanity was not ever upward but descent into something satanic. Where do we go from here? There certainly needs to be a spiritual revival. Fortunately, eonomic collapse will discredit the left and the Resetters.

    • Pascal says:

      LOL. The Left and Resetters long ago were discredited, but because “you don’t have the megaphone” they get away with repetitively dissembling how “our plan was never done right.” They will say the same when the economy collapses and the swindled suffer far worse than the swindlers.

      So permit me to rewrite your closing point and then show me how I’m wrong. Please.
      Unfortunately, the coming economic collapse will discredit my courage and that of a large number like me.