Meanwhile about 120 miles west of me…

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7 Responses to Meanwhile about 120 miles west of me…

  1. Darin says:

    Pro-tip: If your downstairs is flooded and you need to retrieve something, bring a flashlight and a shotgun :shock:

  2. Southern USA White Boy says:

    Hello to all from the Jab of HighFiver! It’s true! Yes Climate Change is real. Can’t you see that climate just swirling around? Some thought is that this is caused by all them bigass jets dropping off sacred Afghanistan goat cookers at the Temple of Temples nearby what President Joe Biden hath visited numerous times if he doth trulililily remember hit well you know he’s the incessant liar. And not spreaking for nobody except the writer herein put a small self made sign in he front yard which some disgruntled neighbor took down within hours. Sign, written in English, said “Biden Lies” and who is running America? Kweepy gotta go mow the lawn. Love ya mean it

  3. Southern USA White Boy says:

    Yours verililily trulililily the Southernmost unjabbed thinketh his neighbor possibly cannot read or speak my language. Yes. That is it. President Biden et alia undt Commie Democrats and Republicans and Senatour Lindseed Graham who recently donated $500,000 (half a million) now how do he manage dat?? You know. Yes Southern is pissed. Southern feels that he is holding scratching on the side of d Grand Canyon. Good day punk.