‘It would appear that sunshine and truth are serious crimes in our Brave New World.’

Leonidas, over at Eternity Road, in defence of Wikileaks:
‘If any of you gentle readers were entertained and or amused by the cinematic 1998 production ”Enemy of the State” starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman this humble blogster would hasten to call your attention to the present and ongoing saga of Julian Assange, an Australian citizen and founder of the notorious web site Wikileaks. Last year Wikileaks released many thousands of electronic documents dealing with the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The documents had been “classified” by agencies of the US government and were at variance with many official information releases. It was asserted that the publication of these sensitive documents could/would result in retributive actions against “innocent” assets of intelligence agencies of the US and its allies.
When recently questioned, Admiral Mike Mullen chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff was unable to cite one instance of an intelligence asset being harmed as a result of wikileaks’ document dumps….’

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