Open House 4/23/22

Colonel Cathcart made two lists: feathers in his cap and black eyes. Later on he’d find out that what he thought were the former eventually became the latter.

Thus, in 1961, Joseph Heller (Catch 22) described the wizards of Climate Change “Science” to a tee.

E-car recharging
Experts question ‘green’ claims for electric vehicles

Too under par bagged them eagles also.

eagles killed

Please don’t hold the golf puns against me. Instead of tee to green, putting the greens on a tee and whacking ’em would begin justice.

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50 Responses to Open House 4/23/22

  1. Robertvd says:

    And the people behind this also think there are too many of us on this planet.

    But people are waking up what makes those ‘greens’ even more dangerous.

    • Pascal says:

      Yes, they’ve been creeping back up to it since at least 1960 when the Neo-Malthusians first appeared.
      See, the eugenicist Progs were making great strides in the first half of the 20th Century. But the horrors of WW II dealt them a setback. Since then they been actively aiming to reduce the numbers who were their greatest obstacle: those who believed innocent life to be sacred.

      • mawm says:

        Along with those who have done the most to advance mankind – the white race.

        • Darin says:

          It aligns perfectly with the rest of their world views-
          Everyone else should work for free
          Everyone else shouldn’t have children
          Everyone else shouldn’t drive a car or fly
          Everyone else should checkout at age 50
          Everyone else should pay 75%+ income tax
          Everyone else should etc,etc,etc

          …..But not them, they are “special”and more equal than others.

      • pb says:

        The earth is full of gold, scattered about in various concentrations. It doesn’t become worth anything until it collects into predictable concentrations. Then it can be mined and exploited.

        “Green” causes are often sponsored by the extremely wealthy. Once people behave according to “green” programming, they can be mined and exploited. Its about enforcing behaviour so that the wealthy can get wealthier.

        “Green” parties were developed by Red communists when the press out of Soviet Russia went bad in the 70’s, and they need a disguise, so they changed colours.

        French Greenies, and the pillars of the philosophical modern Left, advocated for pedophilia in 1977. Go down this rabbithole, and there’s no coming out

  2. Darin says:

    Fucking brilliant: British man creates APP that filters out all Kardashian news-

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    More numbers:

    From the official NZ COVID19 website, the mortality rate amongst those under 30 is less than 0.002% (8 deaths from 445,868 cases). So tell me again why these folks HAD to be vaccinated and how many suffered serious adverse side effects from the mRNA jab?

    • mawm says:

      Michael, I’m sure that you will find this interesting.

      “Have People Been Given the Wrong Vaccine?”

      “Randomized controlled trials show all-cause mortality reduction from the Covid adenovirus-vector vaccines (RR=0.37, 95%CI: 0.19-0.70) but not from the mRNA vaccines (RR=1.03, 95%CI 0.63-1.71). ”

      Safe and effective. / sarc This is before we see the long term effects of the changes to the immune systems that are predicted. (There is a long, intricate, highly technical paper that I’m wading through at present that doesn’t give much hope.)

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        One interesting side issue is the cancellation of the J&J vaccine because of ‘adverse side effects’. I wonder how true that study was? Now THAT is a sad comment on the trustworthiness of health systems.

        • mawm says:

          It has shocked me how corrupt they are in the US. They are owned by big Pharma/Bill Gates. Even the healthcare companies and the Universities. It has become all about money. Like for climate science one is unable to get research funding unless it’s for something that benefits the sponsor.

          Over the years I have seen the politicisation of editorial boards of the major journals as they become more left wing and activist, but now they are even prepared to sacrifice their reputations to further a political cause. Once lost reputations are hard to regain.

          Statutory medical registration bodies, specialist medical colleges, etc have also shown how they are controlled by governments. One of the worst is the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency (AHPRA), which does not have one doctor on its board although there is one nurse/midwife.

          I feel sorry for the young doctors of today without any freedom. Practice is now dictated by algorithms, which hasn’t improved their problem solving ability.

  4. Pascal says:

    This is rich. Commie Jacobin worrying that French democratic institutions would get worsened should LePen beat Macron.

    Emmanuel Macron has hacked away at civil liberties, with heightened police repression and ministers promising to root out “Islamo-leftism. Marine Le Pen would be much worse — she’ll wage all-out war on France’s democratic institutions.”

    • mawm says:

      Well, the French have chosen servitude. What happened to the yellow vests that were out every night and weekend protesting the “pass sanitaire”. Europe is fucked.

  5. Darin says:

    The more I read about her, the more I like her-

    • Michael in Nelson says:

    • mawm says:

      She sounds smart.

      As much as I dislike identifying someone as “the first, etc” or “the Black woman” this naturally brings up the possibility of Candace Owens running for office. I see that today she has said that she’s thinking about doing so. She is smart and a real conservative.

  6. Darin says:

    Difference between Pornhub and Disney?

    Pornhub doesn’t promote child pornography

  7. Darin says:

    “We prefer that you shoot them”

  8. Darin says:

    Spotted over on Vladtepes a list of the WEF Lebensborn-

  9. mawm says:

    Mireille Mathieu (she’s hot) singing La Marseillaise – with English subtitles. It is no wonder the French get violent against their government with their National Anthem calling for violence.

  10. Darin says:

    Now I gotta build one of these,just looks like too much fun

    • mawm says:

      Hmm… I think it would be more comfortable with a seat and a larger rear wheel…..Oh! wait.

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    An investigative report just out shows the CDC and FDA hid important COVID information. Naomi Wolfe has some interesting info from the documents the FDA was forced to release.

  12. Darin says:

    Slippery slopes do exist it seems-

    “There is an endlessly repeated witticism by the poet Anatole France that ‘the law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.’ What France certainly did not foresee is that an entire country – and an ostentatiously progressive one at that – has decided to take his sarcasm at face value and to its natural conclusion.

    Since last year, Canadian law, in all its majesty, has allowed both the rich as well as the poor to kill themselves if they are too poor to continue living with dignity. In fact, the ever-generous Canadian state will even pay for their deaths. What it will not do is spend money to allow them to live instead of killing themselves.”

    • mawm says:

      At the beginning of the pandemic Canada sent the elderly to care facilities where they were put onto end of life medication – ie they were euthanised. The military had to take over care as the staff had all left. The commanding officer has written about finding all these oldies malnourished and dehydrated. I think there was also a reference to the UK doing it as well.

      I can’t remember where I saw this. If I do I’ll post the link

      • Darin says:

        Here’s one from the CBC, of course they tap dance around the cause-

        Funny, that the only time liberal politicans tighten the purse strings is when it comes to retiree benefits and care :evil:

        • mawm says:

          It’s also “funny” how there was similar behaviour in the NE states of the US and in the UK. There is no mention of covid positive patients being sent to these care facilities where they were given a cocktail of morphine, scopolamine and Ativan. In the UK they gave midazolam instead of Ativan. This is what you give a terminal, in pain cancer sufferer to help them on their way.

          Kudos to the military for bringing this out into the open. Now they need to prosecute and punish those at the top like Justine.

    • mawm says:

      Well they have to make sure that Zelenskyy has the correct bank account numbers to put in their share of the billions paid to Ukraine.

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    The ultimate betrayal of trust. One of the SCOTUS law clerks has leaked a draft opinion.

    The protests and public pressure have already begun.

    • Darin says:

      My gut feeling is the leak originated with Roberts, it would figure wouldn’t it?

      The irony here is that after 50 years of Roe-v-Wade, it’s likely that the argument will come full circle and the situation will return to what it was before. A matter to be decided by the voters in each state.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        “My gut feeling is the leak originated with Roberts, it would figure wouldn’t it?”

        Went through my head too.

        • mawm says:

          He behaves as if he is ‘compromised’. Orders from above were to derail it, so now it has become “it’s not the final decision”.

          The trust was betrayed when the court would not hear any evidence of election theft.

          • Darin says:

            The court has been claiming and exercising power not given to it in the Constitution since 1820. This verdict if it goes through, will be the first time the court has returned to it’s Constitutional role and seceded power back to the states.
            That is what the libs fear most,not that abortion will go away, it won’t, but that judicial activism might be coming to an end.

  14. mawm says:

    Michael – there has been an immense betrayal of trust throughout. Read the linked article “What is the Truth” by a retired neurosurgeon. This is the most comprehensive document on the fake pandemic, the dangerous and ineffective vaccine, the media’s complicity, the corruption of the whole medical fraternity and health care organisations, the involvement of governments, billionaires and the 3 letter agencies in the US. It is nothing new but is well referenced and written by a member of the medical fraternity. The neurosurgeons I know are all highly intelligent (they also believe they sit on the right of our Lord at table along with the cardiac surgeons).

    I am finding that my level of anger toward all the above has continually increased. I’m not a virologist, an epidemiologist nor a vaccinologist but from the very beginning this whole thing has struck me as being wrong. One simply does not lock down and mask the healthy, nor does one send the sick home until such time as they are dying, and to not offer early treatment is simply criminal. It has gone from there to far worse…… and the general public believe it all.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      mawm, I’m not even a physician and I knew it was a fake crisis two years ago. The mortality rate alone precluded COVID from being a catastrophic health issue. The handling of the ‘pandemic’ was the worst manipulation of the public by those who knew better (or should have) I’ve ever seen in my nearly 3/4 of a century.

      The betrayal I refer to above is to the SCOTUS. Someone turned an honourable position into a sycophantic grovelling to an ideology. Frankly, from what I’ve seen of the Biden Administration, I should have expected it.

      • Darin says:

        I’m hoping and praying that 2022 will be the year that people all across the globe will say enough is enough and rid themselves of the degenerate liars that are attempting to ensnare and enslave the entire human race.

  15. Michael in Nelson says:

    A hint of things to come.

    That is if the Republicans don’t snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  16. Darin says:

    Joy Behar calls for a sex strike

    Somewhere a blind, semi-retarded Wildebeest is lonely tonight

  17. Darin says:

    Little Johnny goes to the ice cream shop-
    Hey Mista, hey Mista, I want a chocolate and vanilla ice cream cone!

    Sorry son, but I’m all out of chocolate.

    Oh, okay, how about strawberry and chocolate?

    No son, didn’t you hear I’m out of chocolate.

    Oh, okay, how about butterscotch and chocolate?

    Look kid, can you spell?

    Yes, my teacher says I can can spell really well.

    That’s great, here’s the word chocolate, can you find the word fuck in it?

    Well, let’s see, F….no….U….no…C…no….K….no….hey Mista, there is no fuck in chocolate!!!

    That’s what I have been trying to tell you!!! :lol: :lol: