‘The Fires in Haifa Are Acts of Islamist Terror’

‘…Whatever the causes of the large Carmel Forest fire near Haifa, it is now clear that all of the numerous secondary fires in other locations near Haifa that were set today are Arab terrorist attacks and were deliberately set.
There were multiple fires set in the industrial zone near Kiryat Bialik, north of Haifa today, not far from Acre.  There were also fires deliberately set near Tiv’on, Nesher and in other places.  This is a full-fledged ecological terrorist assault against Israeli Jews being conducted by Israeli Arab terrorists.   The  leftist media repeat without question the lies about Jewish “settlers” supposedly setting fires to Arab orchards in the West Bank, even after Arabs themselves and leftists have been photographed in the act of setting those fires as provocations to blame “settlers.”   These are the same media playing coy about the causes of all these smaller secondary fires around Haifa today.’

And of course the media are all over this…….

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