They Loved Castro Too

Pretty sure it’s a lightweight article, it is from Vice after all, pretty sure her being “loved abroad” was nothing more than the paint job slathered on by the global progressive biased media, just the same as they used to heap praise on Fidel Castro.

I am quite sure, that her “appeal” was nothing more than the usual cocktail of progressive rhetoric, blinding incompetence and thinly veiled evil.

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5 Responses to They Loved Castro Too

  1. mawm says:

    This has been a government of abysmal failure. They have failed at everything that they campaigned on from building houses to planting trees. We have more child poverty than before despite Ardern personal attention to it, we have increased gang violence and despite her ban on semi-automatic rifles and that hand guns have been banned for some time there is more gun violence than ever. The promised attention to state housing is a failure with more and more families are being housed in motels, and youth crime is up most noticeably in ram raids being done by teenagers and younger. The country is divided as never before with the stealing of local council assets and handing them over to tribal Maori elites and the country is on course to give more weight to the 16% Maori vote to the extent that it will be equal to the sum of the other 84% and in certain instances over ride the wishes of the majority.

    The only thing they have succeeded at is destroying the economy and doubling the national debt which will be costing the youth and their children for decades.

    But she hugged a muslim and banned semi-automatic rifles so the international academic left love her.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      In the rest of the world, Omicron was less virulent but when it went through NZ the mortality rate from COVID went up and the vaccine deaths went virtually unreported. Now, you may think me a cynic but I was wondering how many of the virus deaths were officially attributed to COVID Omicron?

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Greenpeace is running ads to get people to sign a petition to change farming and harvesting practices in NZ. They don’t quite say it but are aiming for elimination of commercial farming and sea harvesting. If they succeed, I can guarantee severe food shortages will follow hard on the heels of implementation.