Open House 6/9/24

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26 Responses to Open House 6/9/24

  1. Darin says:

    Of course inner city democrat politicians are mad at this

    The citizens are tired of living on their crime riddled plantations.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Interesting ruling by the 9th Circuit Court, the COVID mRNA shot is not a vaccine.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:
  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Which of the following do you think is a possible/probable action by the Democrats and their Left sycophants should Trump win the election (remembering they want to put him in jail for challenging the 2020 election).

    1. Riots and protests in major cities and any medium sized city where Dems are in charge.

    2. A general amnesty for all illegal aliens before Trump is sworn in.

    3. Granting citizenship to DACA illegal aliens.

    4. The Senate confirms as many radical judges as possible.

    5. Approving Green rules and regulations throughout the Bureaucracy.

    6. Crippling the military.

    7. Filing charges against or arresting leading conservative activists (e.g. Charlie Kirk, Riley Gains).

    8. Running a campaign degrading Christianity

    9. Locking in celebrations of LGBTQ (declaring a National Holiday)

    10. Locking up Federal lands in the West to prevent utilising natural resources.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Those DACA kids are the best…not

    Let’s give them all amnesty, yeah, right

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    So…does this mean Trump can sue the DoJ because they didn’t arrest Joe for mishandling confidential documents. Or how about the J6 defendants when the antifa rioters were not prosecuted. Or Bannon et al. when Garland got off for refusing a Congressional subpoena?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    I know I should be more sympathetic but their religion’s propensity toward violence, torture and murder kind of dulls my mercy gene.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    Plan ahead with the US military. Got some bright sparks in that logistics planning dept.

  9. Pascal says:

    A recent scientific study has shed light on why some individuals appear to be immune to catching the coronavirus that causes covid-19, even without being vaccinated. Researchers conducted a challenge study in 2021, where 16 healthy individuals who were not vaccinated or previously infected with the virus were exposed to the original variant of SARS-CoV-2.

    The participants were divided into three groups based on their response to the virus. One group tested positive for the virus and exhibited symptoms, another group tested positive but remained asymptomatic, and the third group consistently tested negative for the virus. Through analyzing blood and nasal samples, researchers found that individuals in the second and third groups produced interferon, a substance that helps the immune system fight infections, before it was detected in their nasopharynx.

    Excerpted from:

    • mawm says:

      vanden Bossche lightly passes over the other problems with DNA contamination, and to some extent mRNA therapy. Due to fragments of DNA not programming for complete proteins and due to “frame-shifting’ (ribosomes beginning their reading of the DNA template at the wrong point) unusual and incorrectly folded proteins are being churned out by the cell. These proteins resemble amyloid which, as you know, is deposited in the brain causing Alzheimer’s disease. I see that it has been reported that Pfizer has quietly started cleaning up their DNA contamination problem.

      vanden Bossche has long been predicting poor outcomes from the mass vaccination during a pandemic.

      Julian Gillespie has an interview with John Campbell which, although long, shows his amazing grasp of the subject. It is worth giving it a listen if you are interested. He is a leading force in suing The Australian Government over improperly allowing a GMO to be released on the public. His substack is on my reading list.

      • Pascal says:

        Thanks for you contribution mawm. I figured you’d be able to comment on the linked video to an extent none of us here could do.

  10. Michael in Nelson says:

    Of course! When else would this be promoted except during US Pride Month. (The insanity of the idea seems lost on the proponents.)

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