John Key should be tarred and feathered. Shameful, disgusting weasel..

This, from PM of NZ:
‘Not content with being handed the East Cape today, ready for secession when the Foreshore and Seabed Usurpers Act is passed, the entitled are pushing the boat out further.
‘Maori interests are being left out of decisions on development and use of New Zealand’s petroleum resources, claims a landmark Waitangi Tribunal decision released today

The Tribunal finds the whole regime fall short of what the Treaty requires’

This is a disgusting betrayal of hardworking Kiwi taxpayers, a betrayal of those New Zealanders who voted for National in the hope of something better than the previous lying, thieving bunch of socialists. Instead, the man who deliberately refused to articulate a clear set of policies in the lead-up to the elections (an omission that at least one apologist for Key claimed was to avoid “scaring the horses” before welfare reform was to be introduced) has not only continued down the deadly separatist path, he’s increased the pace and the scale of government bribes to the whining primitives in order to cement his hold on power.
And the most frightening, depressing aspect of this shameful government is that it remains popular with voters. That says as much about apathetic, uninformed Kiwis as it does about Key.

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