Bravo! Remus nails it.

‘White privilege’
‘…How else to explain, say, self-segregated Afro-centric schools or armed Black Panthers enforcing the vote or President Obama saying he is proud of his “black church”—who dares say they are proud of their “white church”?—or black pseudo-history or the race-in-your-face outfits like the Congressional Black Caucus? And how do we even begin to talk of the race hate enterprise called White Privilege? This is not just another shin-kicking tantrum, this is a ferociously hostile, take no prisoners frontal assault. Its language is that of malice and hostility and insults and accusations. White Privilege specifically refutes the notion of equality itself, they condemned equality outright and specifically as a “tool of racial oppression”. This is a betrayal which shames and embarrasses and enrages those of us who stood up for the plain and honorable meaning of equality in times and places when it was neither fashionable nor safe to do so…’

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