Scum surfaces….

A commenter over at NZ Conservative:
“What this shows is that when you forcibly create a nation through Colonial fiat it causes conflict that lasts for generations. If the Israeli government was committed to peace and justice, why are new settlements still being built?
I’m not sure what the government of Israel is trying to achieve beyond survival, but it seems to me that Palestinians and Israelis have become adept at killing each other’s children. That’s a tragedy.”

This fuckwit seems to have been asleep when Jewish schoolkids were being bombed on their way to school, when rockets were raining down on schools… And of course the fact that Israeli hospitals often treat Palestinian kids for free while Palestinian parents are more likely to wire them with bombs doesn’t get a mention either. The fact that the Israeli military goes to great lengths to try and avoid civilian casualties is apparently a mere detail, not worth mentioning. As for settlements, how did that handover of land to the Palestinians go again? The rockets continued, the primitive bastards looted and destroyed the green houses and equipment the Israelis deliberately left behind so the new owners could grow fresh produce. (Much easier to live off EU handouts, I guess)

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