Julia Gillard–unprincipled liar or simply an idiot.

‘The Science and Public Policy Institute does the sums, and calculates that the total abolition of Australia and all its livestock would lower the world’s temperature in 2100 by just 0.01 degrees Centigrade.
It is possible to estimate the impact that Australia’s CO2 emissions will have on the projected rise in global average temperature and sea level rise using a methodology established in the scientific literature (Wigley, 1998). Such an analysis reveals that an immediate and complete cessation of all Australia’s CO2 emissions will result in a projected temperature “savings” of only about 0.02°F (two one-hundredths of a degree Fahrenheit) by the end of this century. The resultant sea level rise “savings” will amount to less than one-tenth of an inch. Such amounts are environmentally irrelevant and virtually impossible even to scientifically detect.’

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