‘Like Clockwork: Eco-Tards Claim Earthquakes and Tsunami = AGW

Soylent Green gives the eco-scum a serve:
‘Just as predictably as the Catlin crew calling for rescue from the arctic ice, the Eco-tards at Grist instantly blamed last night’s 8.9-scale earthquake, and the resulting tsunami that wiped out Kurihara, Japan on Global Warming, Climate Change, Global Climate Disruption, Thermageddon.
Because, like, earthquakes and tidal waves never happened before industrialization.
Never let a crisis go to go to waste, eh Grist? Especially one with a massive death toll. You realize, don’t you, that we all saw this coming, that someone in the AGW Alarmosphere would make this imbecilic claim.  You win the hat pool, dickwads.
You fucking people are ghouls, feasting on cadavers before relatives are even notified.  If it were my choice, when you go, I would at least acknowledge your passing before leaving your CO2 and CH4 bloated corpses for the buzzards and crows, on the off-chance that they would recycle you into something useful. Fuck you.’

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