Of fake Aborigines and fascist show trials:

Questioning credentials of an Aboriginal elite
Keith Windschuttle
IF you get your news only from the Fairfax press, you would have missed one of the most damaging scandals yet to have rocked Aboriginal affairs.
The story received front-page treatment in News Limited newspapers, especially The Australian, when it broke on April 14, and for the following five days. Several television and online forums canvassed its consequences. But Fairfax editors regarded it as such a threat to their world view they imposed a nationwide ban on the story. Not a word about it appeared in the pages of The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian Financial Review or The Sun-Herald.
The incident began after the chairwoman of the Northern Territory’s Indigenous Affairs Advisory Council, Bess Nungarrayi Price, appearing on ABC1’s Q&A, spoke favourably about the Howard government’s 2007 intervention into Territory communities. In response, Aboriginal academic Larissa Behrendt sent a Twitter message to ABC radio presenter Rhianna Patrick, saying: “I watched a show where a guy had sex with a horse and I’m sure it was less offensive than Bess Price.”
……..Behrendt’s tweets, which have revealed her distaste for Aborigines with different political views, may well generate a revival of sentiments I recorded in Quadrant last year when discussing author Sally Morgan’s claim to Aboriginal identity. Activist Jackie Huggins had said that, even though people might have some Aboriginal ancestors, they could not be genuine Aborigines if they had been brought up in white suburbs without any engagement with an Aboriginal community.
For saying much the same thing, it should be remembered, Andrew Bolt went on trial last month under the Racial Hatred Act. Hence, whatever the outcome of the Bolt trial, Behrendt’s Twitter outburst has ensured there will be more people in the future prepared to make the same point about the members of the Aboriginal political class who are enjoying a life as privileged as hers.”

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