‘The Woodpile Report’

is up, and Remus hits one out of the park. A taste:
‘So, an executive who says what he wants and does what he wants announces tight surveillance of the internet and outright confiscation—oops, redistribution—of HAM radio frequencies. And no, this isn’t a report from some 1930s European dictatorship. A regime which grants itself unlimited funds will also grant itself unlimited powers, no surprise there. What’s surprising is how this blatant illegitimacy goes unchallenged decade after decade. There’s no mystery why each outrage tops the one before. We the People aren’t merely “letting them get away with it,” bad enough, we knowingly endorse this farce by going to the polls every two years.
Remus says the conscientious and patriotic citizen will not contribute to an appearance of legitimacy by participating in their—formerly our—national elections. While we’re not at the point of direct action, and hopefully we never will be, inaction is long overdue. The citizen has no obligation beyond doing what he must do by law. As in any abusive relationship, disengagement is the first step. Voting is a shell of legitimacy protecting the deep fraud within. The outcome will be the same if we vote or not, in fact, voting would be declared an act of terrorism if it changed the outcome. So yes, we are past the point of fixing this with civic involvement. When Remus first said all this it was taken as a zany notion. How things have changed. Read on….’     (bold mine kg)

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