Freedom–they don’t take it from us,we give it away.

‘Aussie govt censors web censor plans
The Australian government has censored approximately 90 percent of a secret document outlining its controversial plans to snoop on Australians’ web surfing, obtained under freedom of information (FoI) laws, out of fear the document could cause “premature unnecessary debate”.
The government has been consulting with the country’s internet industry over the proposal, which would require ISPs to store certain internet activities of all Australians – regardless of whether they have been suspected of wrongdoing – for law-enforcement agencies to access.
All parties to the consultations have been sworn to secrecy.’ source

But the biggest party affected by the proposed legislation has been locked out of those “consultations”.  What the Australian public think of this intrusion by the State into their lives is apparently unimportant.
The Red Rottweiler will deflect any real discussion about this during the election campaign, and after the elections–which she will win because the majority are too damn timid to stand on their own two feet as a free people–Aussies will wake up to find Big Brother in their homes, tracking every move they make on the ‘net.
Vote Labour, vote for your own chains.
‘CNN Host Calls for Crackdown on bloggers ‘

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