“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Francis W. Porretto  ‘Is It Accident, Incompetence, Stupidity, Or Malice?’
‘..There are many possible interpretations of the Obamunists’ attachment to inherently disastrous economic and fiscal policies. Mainstream and even not-so-mainstream commentators have resolutely averted their eyes and thoughts from the most plausible one, indeed, the only one consistent with everything we know about Obama and his lieutenants: It’s all intentional, including the disaster we see coming.
The Democrat Party has not approved of capitalism since William Jennings Bryan. Obama is personally hostile to capitalism — read Dreams From My Father and try to come to any other conclusion — and considers it part of his mission to bring it down, here in the land where it’s done its best work. The Obamunist team isn’t composed of dunderheads; they can read the tea leaves as well as anyone on the Right. All by itself, that’s a strong argument for the “it was planned that way” interpretation….’

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