‘Jack-Booted Thugs Terrorizing Law-Abiding Americans’

‘Los Angeles County, in response to rural non-compliance of environmental ordinances, has formed what they call the “Nuisance Abatement Team”.  The enraged locals call it the NAT squad.  The name sounds innocuous enough but its name camouflages what it is and does.  The County has given the “Team” broad authority to come on your land and force compliance with draconian environmental law, literally at the point of a gun.  They are dressed in black swat team clothing with complete police force equipment and they are armed with police side arms and M-15 rapid-fire rifles, tear gas, stun grenades and other armament.  The SWAT team arrives at your property, unannounced, in several black SUVs with black tinted windows.  You can’t see in, but they can see out.  They swarm out of the SUVs and surround your home.  In true Nazi from, they are there to strike fear into your hearts and intimidate you by their very presence.  If your dog barks at them, they will shoot your dog.  You will comply, or else they will make an example out of you and you will pay with fines and jail time!  But the good news is, at least they won’t execute you.’

This is unconstitutional and the way it was written into law was clearly unconstitutional. How long before Middle America blows up in the face of these outrages?

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