Our rich Aussie neighbours:

‘The wage gap between New Zealand and Australian workers has widened by $40 to $580 a week since National came to power in late 2008 promising to address the income gap.
…….Australia’s ordinary average wage rose from A$1165 to A$1243 while New Zealand’s went from NZ$891 to NZ$947. On yesterday’s currency rates, the gap widened from $540 a week in December 2008 to $580 in March this year.’

It’s a mystery, isn’t it?  This government refuses to reform the massive welfare scam, refuses to mine NZ’s mineral resources, refuses to do anything about 11 BILLION dollars in interest-free student loans, refuses to make meaningful cuts to the crushing bureaucracy which stifles productivity, refuses to back off from the expensive Emissions Trading Scam…..but the gap–according to a lot of idiots–is all because Australia has lots of iron ore and New Zealand doesn’t……

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