Brit police…agents of islam:

‘UK: Seven Arrested Over Bournemouth Far-Right Mosque ‘Bomb Plot’

Seven men were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to blow up a Bournemouth mosque.

The men, six of whom are members of the England Defence League, were taken to Poole and Southampton police stations for questioning before being released without charge…

Among those arrested was EDL member John Broomfield, 27, who was pulled from his stationary vehicle after armed police opened fire on his van in Corfe Castle village.

A spokesman for Dorset Police said: ‘Dorset Police can confirm that as part of an investigation surrounding threats to a Bournemouth mosque a total of seven people were arrested for conspiracy to cause an explosion.

“Oh-oh,” you say, “now they’ve done it — the EDL have gone too far and played right into the hands of the dhimmified police and political leaders of Modern Multicultural Britain.”

But wait! Things are not always what they seem:

‘Following an investigation police can now confirm these people have been released without charge.’

So what’s going on here? Six people are arrested for conspiracy. The police announce the heinous charges (which just happen to involve members of the EDL). Then those who were detained are released without charge.

What monumental official incompetence, eh?

Maybe, maybe not:

‘We’ve been working very closely with the Muslim community and our local safer neighbourhood teams have been providing advice and reassurance throughout.

‘At this stage there is no indication whatsoever that any of the mosques in Dorset are under threat of attack.’

Curiouser and curiouser. The police worked closely with the Muslim community. Then they arrested some EDL people for plotting to blow up a mosque. Then they released them, and said that no mosque was at risk.

Deeper and deeper into the labyrinth…

And an EDL member has a story to tell, with some ominous details of what happened to him:

Officers had followed Broomfield home from work and waited until he was stuck in traffic in the tourist spot before they pounced.

When his van came to a halt they fired rounds into the tyres.

They then smashed a window and dragged him out in shocking scenes that followed an investigation into alleged plans to blow up a nearby mosque.

The marksmen used special rapid tyre deflation rounds to disable the white Ford Escort van.

Police then swooped on Mr Broomfield’s home in Swanage and seized computer equipment, mobile phones and passports.

Mr Broomfield, the head of the Dorset EDL, said yesterday: ‘While travelling home from work I was stopped and arrested by armed police.

‘I approached a roundabout near Corfe Castle and there were about six cars in front of me.

‘There was an unmarked police car in a lay-by and within seconds of me stopping police appeared from it, ran up the road and shot at my tyres and smashed the window in.

‘It was extremely scary. I was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to cause an explosion at a Bournemouth mosque.’

He continued: ‘Five other members of the EDL were also arrested and held for 24 hours for questioning while searches of their homes took place. Then all of us were released without charge.’

Of the alleged plan to blow up the mosque, he added: ‘There has been no conspiracy, there has never been any conspiracy.

Is all becoming clear?

The EDL were set up, terrorized, and thoroughly intimidated.

Then they were let off with a warning: “Better be careful, mate. You were lucky this time. You never know — next time we might find some kiddie porn on your computer, or a bit of semtex in your kitchen cupboard. So watch it.”

All this while their esteemed prime minister, the Hon. David Cameron, was chumming it up with the Turks and telling them that he would do everything in his power to fight discrimination and Islamophobia among his benighted fellow countrymen.

The situation has been clarified: Britain has chosen full submission to Islam.

This goes beyond “working partnerships” and “mutual understanding”.

This is the real deal. The UK is on its way to a buttocks-in-the-air-with-muezzins-howling-from-the-minarets full Islamic state.

The English people must learn to say la illaha ila Allah, wa Muhammadun rasul Allah.

Welcome to the Caliphate.

Gates of Vienna

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