Gates of Vienna:

From a great post by Baron Bodissey
‘..The iron fist is now out of the velvet glove because the wind has shifted in our favor, and those who promote the trans-national Multicultural political order realize it. They are losing control of events. Their carefully-constructed plan is coming undone, and overt repression is the only arrow they have left in their quiver.

As Al Stewart sang, “It’s only when the empire’s breaking/That you see their teeth.”

The trick is to refuse to play the game as laid down by the dominant culture. You cannot possibly win, so the only effective strategy is to refuse to enter the arena where the game is played.

It’s similar to what happens when you are accused of “racism”. Once the racism charge is hurled at you, you automatically lose. Insisting you are not a racist is of no avail. It doesn’t matter how many African or Samoan friends you have. The only way to prove you are not a racist is to accept the entire Progressive pantheon of ideas, from Multiculturalism through sustainable development all the way to the rights of transgendered people and animals.

Nothing else will help you. Just as in Islam, you are required to submit.

I decline to assemble on the tilted playing field where the “racism” game is played. I refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of any arguments framed around the issue of racism. All discussion ends when the race card is played.

The same is true of “repudiating” the violence of the Oslo psychopath, of “disassociating oneself” from his violence.

It’s a mug’s game. Don’t be tempted into playing it. By dancing to that tune, you are granting the legitimacy of arguments that depend on guilt by association. You are admitting that there is some sort of causal connection between those who act peacefully and refuse violence when supporting a cause, and those who commit violence while purporting to further the same cause.

This is a lie. Don’t support it by engaging it.

Progressives are playing Three Card Monty with conservatives, and the marks are too naïve and gullible to understand what is being done to them. It doesn’t matter how closely they watch the hands move: when the card is flipped over, it is never theirs.

Don’t play that game. Don’t acknowledge that the game exists, because you cannot possibly win it…’

Different Rules for Different Fools


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