‘Oligarchy and crony capitalism.’

‘..What we have isn’t capitalism so much as it’s a thinly disguised form of fascism where there’s a semblance of private ownership of the means of production but the state really controls things. This control can be exercised by the threat of bodily harm to the owner of a productive enterprise or to his family (National Socialist Germany) or the threat of OSHA, FDC, CPSC, EEOC, NLRB, Corps of Engineers, DOJ, FEC, or EPA regulation, inspection, or litigation (late 20th- and early 21st-century U.S.A.). Businesses that survive do so because – like General Electric – they are friendly right back to the politicians.
Now you can go back to sleep. In that constitutional republic with the rule of law you’ve heard so much about….’          Col. B. Bunny  (Eternity Road)

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